Title = {A report on the attitude towards the {C}ornish language survey conducted by {C}ornwall {C}ouncil in association with the {C}ornish {L}anguage {P}artnership},
Year = {2013},
keywords = {pol},
type = {Report}
Author = {{Cornish Language Partnership}},
urldate = {2016-02-05},
Title = {A report on the {C}ornish {L}anguage {S}urvey conducted by the {C}ornish {L}anguage {P}artnership},
Title = {Statement on a possible consensus {SWF}},
Year = {2008}}
Author = {{Cussel an Tavas Kernuak}},
Note = {Submission to the Cornish Language Commission},
Title = {Time for change: The case for modern {C}ornish},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Merv Davey},
institution = {University of Exeter},
Title = {``{A}s is the manner and the custom'': Identity and folk tradition in {C}ornwall},
type = {PhD thesis},
keywords = {nonling},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Merryn Davies-Deacon},
institution = {University of York},
Title = {Orthographies and ideologies in revived {C}ornish},
type = {MA by research thesis},
keywords = {critrev2},
Year = {2016}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Bernard Deacon},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {F}ourteen},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {13--23},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Cornish or {K}lingon? {T}he standardisation of the {C}ornish language},
keywords = {critrev2},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Bernard Deacon},
journaltitle = {International Journal of Regional and Local Studies},
volume = {1},
Pages = {5--29},
Title = {County, nation, ethnic group? {T}he shaping of the {C}ornish identity},
Volume = {3},
keywords = {nonling},
Year = {2007}}
location = {Westport},
Author = {Bernard Deacon},
Booktitle = {Form and content in revived {C}ornish},
Editor = {Michael Everson},
Pages = {69--84},
Publisher = {Evertype},
keywords = {orth3},
Title = {Deconstructing {K}ernowek {K}emyn: A critical review of \textit{{A}gan {Y}eth} 4},
Year = {2007}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Bernard Deacon},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {F}our},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {88--106},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Language revival and language debate: Modernity and postmodernity},
keywords = {critrev2},
Year = {1996}}
location = {Cardiff},
Author = {Bernard Deacon and Dick Cole and Garry Tregidga},
Publisher = {Welsh Academic Press},
Title = {Mebyon {K}ernow and {C}ornish nationalism},
keywords = {nonling},
Year = {2003}}
location = {Westport},
Author = {Bernard Deacon},
Booktitle = {Form and content in revived {C}ornish},
Editor = {Michael Everson},
Pages = {85--89},
Publisher = {Evertype},
Title = {The {C}ornish {L}anguage {B}oard against the world: The {B}oard's \textit{{P}olicy statement} of {N}ovember 2006},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2007}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Pawl Dunbar and Ken George},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
Title = {Kernewek {K}emmyn: Cornish for the twenty-first century},
keywords = {orth2},
Year = {1997}}
location = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
Author = {Stuart Dunmore},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {H}arvard {C}eltic {C}olloquium 31},
Editor = {D. Furchtgott and Matthew Holmberg and A. Joseph McMullen and Natasha Sumner},
Pages = {91--105},
Publisher = {Harvard University Press},
Title = {Language decline and the `{T}heory of {C}ornish distinctiveness': The historiography of language and identity in early modern {C}ornwall},
keywords = {decl},
Year = {2011}}
location = {London},
Author = {Peter Berresford Ellis},
Publisher = {Routledge},
Title = {The {C}ornish language and its literature},
keywords = {gen},
Year = {1974}}
location = {Truro},
Author = {Peter Berresford Ellis},
Publisher = {Tor Mark Press},
keywords = {gen},
Title = {The story of the {C}ornish language},
Year = {1974}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {D. Everett},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {E}leven},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {192--219},
keywords = {factrev},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Celtic revival and the {A}nglican church in {C}ornwall},
Year = {2003}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {D. Everett},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {N}ineteen},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {140--157},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Henry {J}enner and the {B}ritish {M}useum},
keywords = {factrev},
Year = {2011}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Michael Everson},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {S}even},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {242--253},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
keywords = {orth2},
Title = {``{A}n event of great signicance'' (sic): A review of {G}eorge's \textit{{G}erlyver kres}},
Year = {1999}}
location = {Westport},
Author = {Michael Everson},
Booktitle = {Form and content in revived {C}ornish},
Editor = {Michael Everson},
Pages = {1--12},
Publisher = {Evertype},
keywords = {orth3},
Title = {Recent typography in {K}ernowek {K}emyn},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Michael Everson and Frances Bennett and Denise Chubb and Ray Chubb and Andrew Climo and Eddie Climo and Laurie Climo and Bernard Deacon and Neil Kennedy and Patricia Miller and Dan Prohaska and Craig Weatherhill and David Gus Williams and Nicholas Williams},
urldate = {2016-01-26},
Title = {Requirements for a single written form of {C}ornish},
Url = {http://kernowek.net/towards-swf.pdf},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Siarl Ferdinand},
journaltitle = {Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies},
Pages = {199--227},
Title = {A brief history of the {C}ornish language, its revival and its current status},
keywords = {gen},
Volume = {2},
Year = {2013}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {A concise dictionary of {M}odern {C}ornish},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1995}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {English--{C}ornish},
maintitle = {A new practical dictionary of {M}odern {C}ornish},
volume = {2},
keywords = {rlcmat},
volumes = {2},
Year = {1998}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {Cornish--{E}nglish},
maintitle = {A new practical dictionary of {M}odern {C}ornish},
volume = {1},
volumes = {2},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1997}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Council},
Title = {A student's dictionary of {M}odern {C}ornish},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1990}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Council},
Title = {A student's grammar of {M}odern {C}ornish},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1991}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {An {C}urnoack hethow/{C}ornish today},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1992}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
Title = {Kernewek bew},
keywords = {ucmat},
Year = {1972}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {Laugh and learn traditional {C}ornish through cartoons and cassette: A new course in {C}ornish for the beginner},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1988}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Council},
Title = {Review of the standardisation of orthography},
keywords = {orth2},
Year = {1994}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teer ha Tavas},
Title = {Tavas a ragadazow: The language of my forefathers},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {2000}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {The {C}ornish language: Information sheet {J}une 1988},
keywords = {gen},
Year = {1988}}
Author = {Richard Gendall},
type = {Unpublished paper},
Title = {The course of true love: A view over the battlefield of revived {C}ornish},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2007}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {The pronunciation of {C}ornish},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1989}}
location = {Menheniot},
Author = {Richard Gendall},
Publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz},
Title = {Traditional {C}ornish: A brief expos{\'e}},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Year = {1988}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Ken George},
Edition = {2},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
Title = {An gerlyver meur},
keywords = {kkmat},
Year = {2009}}
location = {London},
Author = {Ken George},
Booktitle = {The {C}eltic languages},
Editor = {Michael J. Ball and N. M\"{u}ller},
Pages = {488--535},
Publisher = {Routledge},
keywords = {gen},
Title = {Cornish},
Year = {2010}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Ken George},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
Title = {Gerlyver {K}ernewek {K}emmyn: An gerlyver meur},
keywords = {kkmat},
Year = {1993}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Ken George},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
Title = {Gerlyver {K}ernewek {K}emmyn: Dyllans servadow},
keywords = {kkmat},
Year = {1992}}
Author = {Ken George},
journaltitle = {Cornish Studies},
Pages = {67--70},
title = {How many people spoke {C}ornish traditionally?},
Volume = {14},
keywords = {decl},
Year = {1986}}
location = {Limerick},
Author = {Ken George},
Booktitle = {Sixth annual conference of the {N}orth {A}merican {A}ssociation for {C}eltic {L}anguage {T}eachers: The information age, {C}eltic languages and the new millennium},
Editor = {Sutcliffe, Richard F. E. and \'{O} N\'{e}ill, Gear\'{o}id},
Pages = {35--40},
Publisher = {University of Limerick},
keywords = {tradling},
Title = {On simplifying the lexical tagging of {C}ornish texts},
Year = {2000}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Ken George and Pol Hodge and Julyan Holmes and Graham Sandercock},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
keywords = {pop},
Title = {Place names in {C}ornwall/{H}enwyn tylleryow yn {K}ernow},
Year = {1996}}
Author = {Ken George},
journaltitle = {Agan Yeth},
Pages = {19--34},
Title = {Promoting {K}ernewek {K}emmyn},
Volume = {4},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Ken George},
type = {Unpublished paper},
Title = {The basis of {K}ernewek {K}emmyn},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2007}}
Author = {Ken George},
journaltitle = {\'{E}tudes celtiques},
issuetitle = {Actes du IXe Congr\`{e}s international d'\'{e}tudes celtiques, Paris, 8-12 juillet 1991. Deuxi\`{e}me partie : linguistique, litt\'{e}ratures},
Pages = {203--213},
Title = {The noun suffixes \textit{-ter}/\textit{-der}, \textit{-(y)ans} and \textit{-neth} in {C}ornish},
Volume = {29},
keywords = {tradling},
Year = {1992}}
location = {Penzance},
Author = {Ken George},
Publisher = {Cornish Language Board},
Title = {The pronunciation and spelling of revived {C}ornish},
keywords = {kkmat},
Year = {1986},}
location = {London},
Author = {Ken George and George Broderick},
Booktitle = {The {C}eltic languages},
Editor = {Michael J. Ball and N. M\"{u}ller},
Pages = {753--769},
Publisher = {Routledge},
keywords = {gen},
Title = {The revived languages: Cornish and {M}anx},
Year = {2010}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Ken George},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {T}hree},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {104--124},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Which base for revived {C}ornish?},
keywords = {orth2},
Year = {1995}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {A. P. Grant},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {F}our},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {194--199},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Defending {K}ernewek {K}emmyn},
keywords = {orth2},
Year = {1998}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Amy Hale},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {F}ive},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {100--111},
keywords = {factrev},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Genesis of the {C}elto-{C}ornish revival? {L}. {C}. {D}uncombe-{J}ewell and the {C}owethas {K}elto-{K}ernuak},
Year = {1997}}
location = {Wallingford},
Author = {Amy Hale},
Booktitle = {Tourism consumption and representation: Narratives of place and self},
Editor = {K. Meethan and A. Anderson and S. Miles},
Pages = {272--283},
keywords = {nonling},
Publisher = {CABI Publishing},
Title = {Selling {C}eltic {C}ornwall: Changing markets and meanings},
Year = {2006}}
Author = {Jesse Owen Harasta},
institution = {Syracuse University},
Title = {In search of a single voice: The politics of form, use and belief in the {K}ernewek language},
keywords = {critrev2},
type = {PhD thesis},
Year = {2013}}
Author = {Nicola Harley},
journaltitle = {The Telegraph},
date = {2015-11-05},
keywords = {pol},
Title = {Cornwall to greet visitors in {C}ornish in language revival bid}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {P. Hayward},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {S}eventeen},
Editor = {Philip Payton and S. Trower},
Pages = {173--186},
keywords = {nonling},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {Jynweythek ylow {K}ernow: Cornish techno music},
Year = {2009}}
location = {Barcelona},
Author = {Davyth A. Hicks},
series = {Mercator Working Papers},
volume = {21},
Publisher = {CIEMEN},
keywords = {pol},
Title = {Cornish: Language and legislation},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Pol Hodge},
journaltitle = {Agan Yeth},
Pages = {4--18},
Title = {Spelling},
Volume = {4},
keywords = {orth3},
Year = {2005}}
Author = {Julyan Holmes},
journaltitle = {Agan Yeth},
Pages = {35--42},
keywords = {orth3},
Title = {Kernewek/{K}ernuak: Writing down {C}ornish},
Volume = {4},
Year = {2005}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Julyan Holmes},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {E}leven},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {270--290},
keywords = {decl},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
Title = {On the track of {C}ornish in a bilingual country},
Year = {2003}}
Author = {Kerryn Husk and Malcolm Williams},
journaltitle = {Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism},
volume = {2},
Pages = {249--267},
keywords = {nonling},
Title = {The legitimation of ethnicity: The case of the {C}ornish},
Volume = {12},
Year = {2012}}
location = {Leeuwarden},
Author = {F. Hut},
Publisher = {Mercator},
keywords = {pol},
Title = {Cornish: The {C}ornish language in education in the {UK}},
Year = {2001}}
location = {London},
Author = {Frederick W. P. Jago},
Publisher = {Simpkin, Marshall and Co.},
Title = {An {E}nglish-{C}ornish dictionary},
keywords = {altmat},
Year = {1887}}
location = {London},
Author = {Henry Jenner},
Publisher = {David Nutt},
Title = {A handbook of the {C}ornish language: Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature},
keywords = {altmat},
Year = {1904}}
Author = {Henry Jenner},
journaltitle = {Journal of the British Archaeological Association},
Pages = {137--157},
keywords = {mc},
Title = {The history and literature of the ancient {C}ornish language},
Volume = {33},
Year = {1877}}
Author = {Neil Kennedy},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {F}our},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {171--181},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
keywords = {orth2},
Title = {\textit{Cornish today}: A {M}odern {C}ornish perspective},
Year = {1996}}
location = {Mabe},
Author = {Neil Kennedy},
Publisher = {An Garrack},
keywords = {rlcmat},
Title = {Deskans noze: A {C}ornish course for beginners},
Year = {1997}}
Author = {Neil Kennedy and Nigel Kingcome},
journaltitle = {International Journal of Heritage Studies},
volume = {1},
Pages = {45--59},
keywords = {nonling},
Title = {Disneyfication of {C}ornwall: Developing a {P}oldark heritage complex},
Volume = {4},
Year = {1998}}
Author = {Neil Kennedy},
institution = {University of Exeter},
Title = {Employing {C}ornish cultures for community resilience},
type = {PhD thesis},
keywords = {critrev2},
Year = {2013}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Neil Kennedy},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {T}en},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {283--302},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
keywords = {critrev2},
Title = {Fatel era ny a keel? {R}evived {C}ornish: Taking stock},
Year = {2002}}
location = {Exeter},
Author = {Neil Kennedy},
Booktitle = {Cornish {S}tudies: {N}ine},
Editor = {Philip Payton},
Pages = {312--318},
Publisher = {University of Exeter Press},
keywords = {orth3},
Title = {\textit{Gerlyver {S}awsnek-{K}ernowek} (review article)},
Year = {2001}}
location = {Limerick},
Author = {Neil Kennedy},
Booktitle = {Sixth annual conference of the {N}orth {A}merican {A}ssociation for {C}eltic {L}anguage {T}eachers: The information age, {C}eltic languages and the new millennium},
Editor = {Sutcliffe, Richard F. E. and \'{O} N\'{e}ill, Gear\'{o}id},
Pages = {63--69},
Publisher = {University of Limerick},
keywords = {pol},
Title = {Imagination in the teaching of {C}ornish},
title = {Names, varieties and ideologies in revived {C}ornish},
journaltitle = {Studia Celtica Posnaniensia},
volume = {2},
keywords = {critrev2},
pages = {81--95},
year = {2017}}
author = {Sarah Croome},
title = {Accommodation and resistance in the implementation of a minority language: A survey of headteacher attitudes across primary schools in {C}ornwall},
journaltitle = {SOAS working papers in lingustics},
keywords = {pol},
volume = {17},
pages = {113--145},
year = {2015}}
author = {Erwan Hupel},
year = {2013},
title = {Passion et resurrection du cornique : Lectures bretonnes},