diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 1f9171c..1e6b909 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ *.out *.run.xml *.synctex.gz +*.toc auto/ diff --git a/bib.bib b/bib.bib index a5e14d6..ebd0f3a 100644 --- a/bib.bib +++ b/bib.bib @@ -8,14 +8,33 @@ } @article{2015, + entrysubtype = {newspaper}, title = {Signs in Cornish increase}, date = {2015-08-06}, journaltitle = {The Plymouth Herald}, pages = {11}, - entrysubtype = {newspaper}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } +@book{Abalain1989, + title = {Destin des langues celtiques}, + author = {Abalain, Herv\'e}, + date = {1989}, + publisher = {Ophrys}, + location = {Paris}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@report{AdvisoryCommitteeontheFrameworkConventionfortheProtectionofNationalMinorities2023, + title = {Fifth opinion on the United Kingdom}, + author = {{Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities}}, + date = {2023}, + institution = {Council of Europe}, + location = {Strasbourg}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish,irish,scots,scottish gaelic,welsh}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\advisory-committee-2023.pdf} +} + @incollection{Arbes2019, title = {Predicative possession in revived Cornish}, booktitle = {Possession in languages of Europe and north and central Asia}, @@ -30,6 +49,25 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\arbes-2019.pdf} } +@article{Ariste1977, + title = {Korni keele velmamisest}, + author = {Ariste, Paul}, + date = {1977}, + journaltitle = {Keel ja Kirjandus}, + volume = {20}, + pages = {294--295}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Bakere1980, + title = {The Cornish ``Ordinalia'': A critical study}, + author = {Bakere, J. A.}, + date = {1980}, + publisher = {University of Wales Press}, + location = {Cardiff}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Bannister1871, title = {A glossary of Cornish names}, author = {Bannister, John}, @@ -41,14 +79,35 @@ } @article{Barton2015, + entrysubtype = {newspaper}, title = {Cornish funnyman Kernow King to be made a bard}, author = {Barton, L.}, date = {2015-08-03}, journaltitle = {Western Morning News}, - entrysubtype = {newspaper}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } +@book{BerresfordEllis1974, + title = {The Cornish language and its literature}, + author = {Berresford Ellis, Peter}, + date = {1974}, + publisher = {Routledge}, + location = {London}, + keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\ellis 1974 notes.rtf} +} + +@article{Betcher1996, + title = {A reassessment of the data and provenance of the Cornish {\emph{Ordinalia}}}, + author = {Betcher, G. J.}, + date = {1996}, + journaltitle = {Comparative Drama}, + volume = {29}, + number = {4}, + pages = {436--452}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Betcher2003, title = {Minstrels, Morris dancers, and players: Tracing the routes of travelling performers in early modern Cornwall}, author = {Betcher, Gloria J.}, @@ -79,6 +138,35 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\bock & bruch 2008 addendum.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\bock & bruch 2008.pdf} } +@article{Breeze1990, + title = {Welsh and Cornish at Valladolid, 1591\textendash 1600}, + author = {Breeze, Andrew}, + date = {1990}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {37}, + pages = {108--111}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Broadhurst2020, + title = {The death and subsequent revival of the Cornish language}, + author = {Broadhurst, Kensa}, + date = {2020}, + journaltitle = {The Open Review}, + volume = {6}, + pages = {20--27}, + keywords = {corn:gen,cornish} +} + +@book{Brown1983, + title = {A grammar of modern Cornish}, + author = {Brown, Wella}, + date = {1983}, + publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, + location = {Saltash}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Brown1987, title = {Deryvas a'n cuntellas a vern synsys dhe'n 13ves a vys Metheven yn kever lytherennans}, author = {Brown, Wella}, @@ -98,6 +186,16 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\brown chubb chubb kennedy & ninnis 1991 notes.rtf} } +@book{Brown1991a, + title = {A grammar of modern Cornish}, + author = {Brown, Wella}, + date = {1991}, + edition = {2nd edition}, + publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, + location = {Truro}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Brown2001, title = {A grammar of modern Cornish}, author = {Brown, Wella}, @@ -136,6 +234,25 @@ keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } +@book{Campanile1974, + title = {Profilo etimologico del cornico antico}, + author = {Campanile, Enrico}, + date = {1974}, + publisher = {Pacini}, + location = {Pisa}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Campanile1974a, + title = {Minima cornica}, + author = {Campanile, Enrico}, + date = {1974}, + journaltitle = {Zeitschrift f\"ur celtische Philologie}, + volume = {33}, + pages = {23--28}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @thesis{Carkeek2009, type = {phdthesis}, title = {Cornish language revival: Attitudes, behaviour and the maintenance of an ethnic identity}, @@ -144,7 +261,7 @@ institution = {University of East Anglia}, abstract = {The Cornish language is a member of the Brythonic branch of the Insular Celtic languages. It ceased to be spoken as a living community language in the 18th century. Since the early 20th century, a revival movement has been in existence. At the beginning of the 21st century, political and social momentum in support of the revival, are becoming evident. This research shows that there is a cross-generational appetite amongst non-activist residents within Cornwall for the language revival. Although support is voiced for proposed school curriculum inclusion and a distinct, albeit limited, future role for the language, enthusiasm is predominantly at the symbolic level. Outside a small number of language learners, there is little evidence of tangible engagement with language learning, or willingness to contribute financially, amongst adult respondents. The language is being adopted, symbolically, as a core value for a group that has experienced contemporary dislocation from its key identity markers. Furthermore, the linguistic marker of the Cornish accent of English also exhibits signs of dilution amongst those adolescents interviewed. A salient link between the Celtic Cornish language and ethnic identity, for the informants, has been discerned within this study. The younger age cohort responses, however, are suggestive of a shift in association towards a more inclusive, regional identity marker. Identity implications for language centred policies, notably language teaching within schools, are instructive. Whether the language, as an expression of ethnic and cultural distinctiveness within a political environment of state-centred identity politics, will thereby engender acute self-awareness of nationhood within the Cornish and ultimately trigger insipient demands for secession, is, as yet, unclear. The exploitation of the language, however, within any emergent nationalist discourse, is considered highly probable on the basis of the statistical results from the data analysis and the free comments of interviewees.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, - file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/carkeek 2009.pdf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\carkeek 2009.pdf} } @thesis{Chaudhri2007, @@ -198,6 +315,16 @@ keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish} } +@book{Chubb2016, + title = {Thoughts on Cornish today}, + author = {Chubb, Ray}, + date = {2016}, + publisher = {Agan Tavas}, + location = {Camborne}, + keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\chubb 2016.pdf} +} + @article{Combellack1978, title = {Twelve years' progress in Unified Cornish, 1967 to 1979}, author = {Combellack, Myrna}, @@ -209,6 +336,17 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\combellack 1978.pdf} } +@article{Combellack1978a, + title = {A scholar's prayer}, + author = {Combellack, Myrna}, + date = {1978}, + journaltitle = {The Cornish Banner}, + volume = {2}, + number = {4}, + pages = {33--34}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @unpublished{CornishLanguageBoard2008, title = {Statement}, author = {{Cornish Language Board}}, @@ -305,6 +443,22 @@ annotation = {Published: Press release} } +@report{CornwallCouncil2017, + title = {Cornish language operational plan 2017\textendash 2018 mid-year update}, + author = {{Cornwall Council}}, + date = {2017}, + url = {https://web.archive.org/web/201803232206054/https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/28910633/cc-languageoperationalplan-2017-18-mid-year-update.pdf}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} +} + +@report{CornwallCouncil2017h, + title = {Strateji an yeth kernewek 2015\textendash 25}, + author = {{Cornwall Council}}, + date = {2017}, + url = {https://web.archive.org/web/20230801093600/https://old.cornwall.gov.uk/media/25229704/cornish-language-strategy-2015-2025.pdf}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} +} + @article{CouncilofEurope1992, title = {European charter for regional or minority languages}, author = {{Council of Europe}}, @@ -317,6 +471,48 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\coe 1992.pdf} } +@article{Crawford1980, + title = {The composition of the Cornish {\emph{Ordinalia}}, I}, + author = {Crawford, T. D.}, + date = {1980}, + journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, + volume = {11}, + pages = {145--153}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Crawford1981, + title = {The composition of the Cornish {\emph{Ordinalia}}, II}, + author = {Crawford, T. D.}, + date = {1981}, + journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, + volume = {11}, + pages = {166--177}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Crawford1983, + title = {Stanza forms and social status in {\emph{Beunans Meriasek}}, I}, + author = {Crawford, T. D.}, + date = {1983}, + journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, + volume = {9}, + number = {9}, + pages = {431--439}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Crawford1984, + title = {Stanza forms and social status in {\emph{Beunans Meriasek}}, II}, + author = {Crawford, T. D.}, + date = {1984}, + journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, + volume = {9}, + number = {10}, + pages = {485--492}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Croome2015, title = {Accommodation and resistance in the implementation of a minority language: A survey of headteacher attitudes across primary schools in Cornwall}, author = {Croome, Sarah}, @@ -350,7 +546,7 @@ date = {2011}, institution = {University of Exeter}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, - file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/davey 2011.pdf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\davey 2011.pdf} } @incollection{Davey2012, @@ -462,7 +658,7 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\deacon 2007a notes.rtf} } -@article{Deacon2007d, +@article{Deacon2007c, title = {County, nation, ethnic group? The shaping of the Cornish identity}, author = {Deacon, Bernard}, date = {2007}, @@ -497,6 +693,41 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\dunmore 2011.pdf} } +@incollection{Dunmore2011a, + title = {Xians via Yish? Language attitudes and cultural identities on Britain's Celtic periphery}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nineteen}, + author = {Dunmore, Stuart}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {2011}, + pages = {60--83}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish,scottish gaelic,welsh} +} + +@article{Dunmore2020, + title = {A Cornish revival? The nascent iconisation of a post-obsolescent language}, + author = {Dunmore, Stuart}, + date = {2020}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics}, + volume = {6}, + number = {1}, + doi = {10.1515/jhsl-2018-0001}, + abstract = {This article considers the case of Cornish, a Celtic language that was in decline in the south-west of Great Britain from the early medieval era until the end of the eighteenth century, when its last recorded native speakers died out. At the point when a language under pressure eventually succumbs to forces of language shift, its role in representations of a distinct sociocultural identity might be expected to die with the medium itself. Yet a sense of cohesion at the group level has been observed to endure long after a shift to another language has occurred, with the obsolescent variety retaining a role in the maintenance of group boundaries. In situations of language shift, the meanings of such social constructions can change considerably, and the obsolescent variety may retain ideological associations with the group as an iconized symbol of identity. The analysis presented in this paper is based on an examination of the historical record as well as a synthesis of recent sociological research on Cornish. Attention will be drawn specifically to the manner in which the language has functioned as an icon of identity since the nadir of its decline as a spoken vernacular, through the `Cornish Revival' of the twentieth century to the present day.}, + keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\dunmore-2020.pdf} +} + +@book{Edwards1995, + title = {Verbow Kernewek}, + author = {Edwards, Ray}, + date = {1995}, + publisher = {Kernewek dre Lyther}, + location = {Sutton Coldfield}, + keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\edwards-1995.pdf} +} + @book{Edwards2008, title = {Pascon agan Arluth/Passhyon agan Arloedh}, editor = {Edwards, Ray}, @@ -706,6 +937,15 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1989 notes.rtf} } +@book{Gendall1989a, + title = {The sound of long ``A'' in Cornish}, + author = {Gendall, Richard}, + date = {1989}, + publisher = {Menheniot}, + location = {Teere ha Tavaz}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Gendall1990, title = {A student's dictionary of Modern Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, @@ -756,6 +996,16 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1995 notes.rtf} } +@book{Gendall1997, + title = {A practical dictionary of Modern Cornish: Part one, Cornish-English}, + author = {Gendall, Richard}, + date = {1997}, + publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, + location = {Menheniot}, + keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1997 notes.rtf} +} + @book{Gendall1997a, title = {Cornish\textendash English}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, @@ -768,6 +1018,24 @@ keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish} } +@book{Gendall1998, + title = {A new practical dictionary of Modern Cornish: Part two, English-Cornish}, + author = {Gendall, Richard}, + date = {1998}, + publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, + location = {Menheniot}, + keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1998a notes.rtf} +} + +@unpublished{Gendall1998a, + title = {Problem words and a rationalisation of their orthography}, + author = {Gendall, Richard}, + date = {1998}, + keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1998 notes.rtf} +} + @incollection{Gendall1998b, title = {The verbs {\emph{cowas}}, {\emph{cavas}} and {\emph{cafel}} in Late Modern Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Six}, @@ -831,6 +1099,38 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1986 notes.rtf} } +@article{George1986b, + title = {Le cornique : un cinqui\`eme dialecte du breton ?}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + date = {1986}, + journaltitle = {La Bretagne linguistique}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {117--124}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{George1989, + title = {Quelques r\'eflexions sur l'ordre des mots dans la pi\`ece en moyen breton {\emph{Buhez Santez Nonn}}}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + date = {1989}, + journaltitle = {La Bretagne linguistique}, + volume = {4}, + pages = {175--187}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{George1990, + title = {A comparison of word-order in Middle-Breton and Middle-Cornish}, + booktitle = {Celtic linguistics/ieithyddiaeth geltaidd: Readings in the Brythonic languages}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + editor = {Ball, Martin J. and Fife, James and Poppe, Erich and Rowland, Jenny}, + date = {1990}, + pages = {225--240}, + publisher = {John Benjamins}, + location = {Amsterdam}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{George1992, title = {The noun suffixes {\emph{-ter}}/{\emph{-der}}, {\emph{-(y)ans}} and {\emph{-neth}} in Cornish}, author = {George, Ken}, @@ -842,6 +1142,17 @@ keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish} } +@article{George1992a, + title = {The noun suffixes {\emph{-ter}}/{\emph{-der}}, {\emph{-(y)ans}} and {\emph{-neth}} in Cornish}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + date = {1992}, + journaltitle = {\'Etudes celtiques}, + volume = {29}, + pages = {203--213}, + keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1992.pdf} +} + @book{George1992b, title = {Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn: Dyllans servadow}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, @@ -852,6 +1163,30 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1992 notes.rtf} } +@incollection{George1992c, + title = {An delinyans pellder-termyn-toul rag studhya an yeth kernewek}, + booktitle = {Bretagne et pays celtiques \textendash{} langues, histoire, civilisation : m\'elanges offerts \`a la m\'emoire de L\'eon Fleuriot, 1923\textendash 87}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + editor = {Le Menn, G. and Le Moing, Jean-Yves}, + date = {1992}, + pages = {63--74}, + publisher = {Presses universitaires de Rennes}, + location = {Rennes}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{George1992d, + title = {Notes on word order in {\emph{Beunans Meriasek}}}, + booktitle = {Studies in Brythonic word order}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + editor = {Fife, James and Poppe, Erich}, + date = {1992}, + pages = {205--250}, + publisher = {John Benjamins}, + location = {Amsterdam}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{George1993a, title = {Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn: An gerlyver meur}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, @@ -862,6 +1197,30 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1993 notes.rtf} } +@incollection{George1993b, + title = {Cornish}, + booktitle = {The Celtic languages}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + editor = {Ball, Martin J.}, + date = {1993}, + pages = {410--468}, + publisher = {Routledge}, + location = {London}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{George1993c, + title = {Revived Cornish}, + booktitle = {The Celtic languages}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + editor = {Ball, Martin J.}, + date = {1993}, + pages = {644--654}, + publisher = {Routledge}, + location = {London}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @incollection{George1995, title = {Which base for revived Cornish?}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Three}, @@ -956,6 +1315,27 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george & broderick 2010.pdf} } +@unpublished{George2017, + title = {Accommodating Middle and Late bases in Cornish orthography}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + date = {2017}, + url = {http://www.cornishlanguage.info/spell/variants.pdf}, + urldate = {2018-10-15}, + keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} +} + +@article{George2018, + title = {What happened to Primitive Cornish /ɪ/ when long in closed syllables?}, + author = {George, Kenneth J.}, + date = {2018}, + journaltitle = {Studia Celtica Posnaniensia}, + volume = {3}, + pages = {5--31}, + abstract = {Of the four unrounded front vowels in Primitive Cornish, /i/, /{$\varepsilon$}/ and /a/ remained stable when long in closed syllables, but /ɪ/ had a tendency to fall together with /{$\varepsilon$}/. Jackson (1953) and Williams (1995) dated this change to the twelfth century, but the present research indicates that in most words, the change took place substantially later. An analysis of spellings and of rhymes show that not all words changed at the same time. Most stressed monosyllables in historical /-ɪz/ were pronounced [-ɪ{$\Elzlmrk$}z] in Middle Cornish and [-{$\varepsilon\Elzlmrk$}z] in Late Cornish. Those with historical /-ɪ\dh/ and /-ɪ\texttheta/ were dimorphic in Middle Cornish (i.e. they were spelled with both {$<$}y\textasciitilde i{$>$} and {$<$}e{$>$}), showing the sound-change in progress during that time. The process of change from [ɪ{$\Elzlmrk$}] to [{$\varepsilon\Elzlmrk$}] was one of lexical diffusion. The implications for the revived language are briefly examined.}, + keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george-2018.pdf} +} + @book{George2020, title = {An gerlyver meur}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, @@ -1001,6 +1381,42 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hale 1997 notes.rtf} } +@incollection{Hale1997a, + title = {Rethinking Celtic Cornwall: An ethnographic approach}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Five}, + author = {Hale, Amy}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {1997}, + pages = {85--99}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Hale1997b, + title = {Marjorie Filbee, {\emph{Celtic Cornwall}}, Constable and Company Ltd., 1996, 176 pp. ISBN 0 09 476 090, \textsterling 16.95}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Five}, + author = {Hale, Amy}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {1997}, + pages = {188--190}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} +} + +@thesis{Hale1998, + type = {phdthesis}, + title = {Gathering the fragments: Performing contemporary Celtic identities in Cornwall}, + author = {Hale, Amy}, + date = {1998}, + institution = {University of California}, + location = {Los Angeles}, + abstract = {This dissertation compares two different groups in Comwal who are affiliated with a Celtic identity: ethnic Comish activists and those who are involved in Celtic spirituality. My primary objective in this dissertation is to understand how the idea of ``Celticity'' is informed and displayed by people in Cornwall in order for us to discern what it means for people in Cornwall to be Celtic at the end of the twentieth century. The first chapter examines the varying and contested usages of the term ``Celtic'' by academics through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and assesses the recent critical approaches to studying various historical constructions of the Celts. The second chapter is an historical survey of the main motifs and institutions of Celtic cultural activism in Cornwall. Chapter Three covers the wider reinterpretation and reinvention of Celtic idioms in the development of ``Celtic'' spirituality in Britain. The fourth chapter is an in-depth analysis of the Comish Gorseth, which is one of the primary institutions of the Comish Celtic revival. Chapter Five focuses specifically on the practices of Celtic spirituality in Cornwall with a particular emphasis on the communities that have formed around Tintagel in North Cornwall, and West Penwith in west Cornwall. I conclude that there are actually two groups in Cornwall who affiliate themselves with a Celtic identity. Sometimes the groups utilize similar expressions and motifs in constructing their Celtic identities, such as engaging in rituals near megalithic monuments and recreating images of Druids shaped by antiquarian portrayals of the Celts. In this dissertation I focus on the differences between insider and outsider constructions of Cornwall and how they have influenced contemporary Celtic identity formation. I also examine the various arguments over authenticity of practices between and within the two groups.}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hale 1998.pdf} +} + @incollection{Hale2006, title = {Selling Celtic Cornwall: Changing markets and meanings}, booktitle = {Tourism consumption and representation: Narratives of place and self}, @@ -1014,6 +1430,28 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hale 2006.pdf} } +@incollection{Hall1999, + title = {Maximilla, the Cornish montanist: The final scenes of {\emph{Origo Mundi}}}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seven}, + author = {Hall, Jim}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {1999}, + pages = {165--192}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} +} + +@article{Hamp1977, + title = {Notulae cornicae}, + author = {Hamp, E. P.}, + date = {1977}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {27}, + pages = {251--252}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @thesis{Harasta2013, type = {phdthesis}, title = {In search of a single voice: The politics of form, use and belief in the Kernewek language}, @@ -1025,6 +1463,19 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\harasta 2013.pdf} } +@article{Harasta2017, + title = {``Because they are Cornish'': Four uses of a useless language}, + author = {Harasta, sse}, + date = {2017}, + journaltitle = {Heritage Language Journal}, + volume = {14}, + number = {3}, + pages = {248--263}, + abstract = {Amongst the Cornish people\textemdash even many enthusiasts\textemdash there has been a long-standing belief that the Kernewek (Cornish) language is useless. Kernewek is a Celtic language spoken primarily by a small cadre of activists in the British region of Cornwall. This paper addresses the difficulties they face when the use of Kernewek in public is seen as legitimate only on the grounds of either economic measures or as static cultural heritage. Drawing upon a data set of almost 70 interviews, this article examines and compares the motivations of language students and one non-user, in the process challenging the notion of ``uselessness'' and instead focusing on the four ways that its users employ Kernewek in their everyday lives without necessarily utilizing it as a medium of communication. Instead, Kernewek is located within a larger project of social transformation, altering users, their families, the broader ethnic community or the global environment.}, + keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\harasta-2017.pdf} +} + @incollection{Harasta2021, title = {Utilisation of ethnolinguistic infusion in the construction of a trifurcated metalinguistic community: An example from the Kernewek (Cornish) language of Britain}, booktitle = {Metalinguistic comunities: Case studies of agency, ideology, and symbolic uses of language}, @@ -1038,15 +1489,35 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\metalinguistic-communities.pdf} } +@article{Harasta2023, + title = {A song for Cornwall (Kan Rag Kernow): a study of musicians and translators working on Cornish/Kernewek lyrics for international song festivals}, + author = {Harasta, Jesse}, + date = {2023}, + journaltitle = {Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development}, + doi = {10.1080/01434632.2022.2122478}, + abstract = {practices of the translation of music lyrics for song competitions has created major shifts, including remarkable competitive successes. Proponents of the Kernewek (Cornish) Language have long used translated musical lyrics as a tool for language revival, especially in annual song competitions, like the Pan Celtic festival. Cornish musicians \textendash{} who, with few exceptions, cannot speak Kernewek \textendash{} work with volunteer translators to produce songs for competitions for audiences who also rarely speak Kernewek. This essay is built upon ethnographic fieldwork in Cornwall among language enthusiasts and musicians, as well as on recent interviews with musicians and translators who have competed in the Pan Celtic and similar festivals. It demonstrates a conscious use of language by non-fluent speakers to build identity and community among Cornish people and to promote the recognition of Cornwall's distinctiveness outside of the region. This builds upon previous work on metalinguistic community (Avineri and Harasta 2021) and ethnolinguistic infusion (Benor, Krasner, and Avni 2020), demonstrating the complex and important impact of state funding and coordination to increase the recognition and scope of use of the language.}, + keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\harasta-2023.pdf} +} + @article{Harley2015, + entrysubtype = {newspaper}, title = {Cornwall to greet visitors in Cornish in language revival bid}, author = {Harley, N.}, date = {2015-11-05}, journaltitle = {The Telegraph}, - entrysubtype = {newspaper}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } +@book{Harris1977, + title = {The life of Meriasek: A medieval Cornish miracle play}, + author = {Harris, M.}, + date = {1977}, + publisher = {Catholic University of America Press}, + location = {Washington D. C.}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Harris2019, title = {A learners' Cornish dictionary in the standard written form}, author = {Harris, Steve and Harris, Dee and Harvey, Peter and Harvey, Ra\"el}, @@ -1066,18 +1537,47 @@ keywords = {breton,corn:bret,cornish} } -@article{Hawke1986, - title = {A new Cornish manuscript}, +@article{Hawke1980, + title = {A lost manuscript of the Cornish {\emph{Ordinalia}}}, author = {Hawke, Andrew}, - date = {1986}, + date = {1980}, journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, - volume = {14}, - pages = {5--14}, - keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} + volume = {7}, + pages = {45--60}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} } -@incollection{Hawke2001, - title = {A rediscovered Cornish-English vocabulary}, +@book{Hawke1982, + title = {The Cornish dictionary project}, + author = {Hawke, Andrew}, + date = {1982}, + publisher = {University College of Wales}, + location = {Aberystwyth}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Hawke1982a, + title = {Reports from chairmen of specialist groups: Celtic texts}, + author = {Hawke, Andrew}, + date = {1982}, + journaltitle = {Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing}, + volume = {10--12}, + pages = {60--63}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Hawke1986, + title = {A new Cornish manuscript}, + author = {Hawke, Andrew}, + date = {1986}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {14}, + pages = {5--14}, + keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Hawke2001, + title = {A rediscovered Cornish-English vocabulary}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nine}, author = {Hawke, Andrew}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, @@ -1112,6 +1612,25 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hicks 2005.pdf} } +@book{Higgins1994, + title = {Medieval theatre in the round: The multiple staging of religious drama in England}, + author = {Higgins, Sydney}, + date = {1994}, + publisher = {Camerino}, + location = {Ateneo}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Higgins1996, + title = {``Creating the creation'': The staging of the Cornish medieval play {{{\emph{Gwryans an Bys}}}}, or the Creation of the World}, + author = {Higgins, Sydney}, + date = {1996}, + journaltitle = {European Medieval Drama}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {161--188}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Hodge2005, title = {Spelling}, author = {Hodge, Pol}, @@ -1147,6 +1666,17 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\agan yeth 4.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\holmes 2005 notes.rtf} } +@article{Humphries2022, + title = {The hidden face of public language policy: A case study from the UK}, + author = {Humphries, Emma and Ayres-Bennett, Wendy}, + date = {2022}, + journaltitle = {Current Issues in Language Planning}, + doi = {10.1080/14664208.2022.2150497}, + abstract = {In which domains and for which language types does language legislation occur and how easy is it to identify it? The United Kingdom (UK) affords a good test bed to answer these questions since it is often considered to be lacking in strong public language policy due to, amongst other things, a lack of a coherent language policy across the UK and its devolved administrations and a perceived societal disinterest in languages. Through analysis of a corpus of primary and secondary legislation from the UK and its constituent jurisdictions that contain stipulations about language(s), this article shows that UK language legislation spans multiple domains, including public health and safety, law and crime, transport and the media. Whilst some of the legislation, such as the Welsh Language Acts, explicitly deals with language(s), the vast majority of the UK's legislation which contains provisions concerning language(s) is hidden in legislation which primarily concerns another domain. Although hidden, at times these language stipulations mark important landmarks in the status of languages. All this has consequences for the UK language policy landscape, potentially diminishing the perceived importance of languages in and to government and affecting policymakers' ability to collaborate across government in a coherent way.}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish,irish,scottish gaelic,welsh}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\humphries-2022.pdf} +} + @incollection{Hupel2013, title = {Passion et resurrection du cornique : Lectures bretonnes}, booktitle = {Bretagne/Cornouailles (britanniques) : Quelles relations ?}, @@ -1171,6 +1701,16 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\husk & williams 2012.pdf} } +@report{Hut2001, + title = {The Cornish language in education in the UK}, + author = {Hut, F.}, + date = {2001}, + institution = {Mercator}, + location = {Leeuwarden}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hut 2001.pdf} +} + @book{Hut2001a, title = {Cornish: The Cornish language in education in the UK}, author = {Hut, F.}, @@ -1189,7 +1729,16 @@ pages = {342--377}, publisher = {Brill}, location = {Leiden}, - keywords = {cornish} + keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} +} + +@book{Jago1882, + title = {The ancient language, and the dialect of Cornwall}, + author = {Jago, F. W. P.}, + date = {1882}, + publisher = {Netherton \& Worth}, + location = {Truro}, + keywords = {corn:gen,cornish} } @book{Jago1887, @@ -1202,6 +1751,28 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jago 1887 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jago-1887.pdf} } +@incollection{Jenkin1992, + title = {Un nebeut notenno\`u diwar-benn Bretoned o chom e Kerne-Veur er c'hwezekvet kantved}, + booktitle = {Bretagne et pays celtiques \textendash{} langues, histoire, civilisation : m\'elanges offerts \`a la m\'emoire de L\'eon Fleuriot, 1923\textendash 87}, + author = {Jenkin, M.}, + editor = {Le Menn, G. and Le Moing, Jean-Yves}, + date = {1992}, + pages = {75--85}, + publisher = {Presses universitaires de Rennes}, + location = {Rennes}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Jenner1873, + title = {The Cornish language: A paper read before the Philological Society, March 21st, 1873}, + author = {Jenner, Henry}, + date = {1873}, + publisher = {Asher}, + location = {London}, + keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jenner-1873.pdf} +} + @article{Jenner1877, title = {The history and literature of the ancient Cornish language}, author = {Jenner, Henry}, @@ -1223,6 +1794,25 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jenner-1904.pdf} } +@book{Jordan1985, + title = {Gwryans an bys or the creation of the world}, + author = {Jordan, William}, + editor = {Retallack Cooper, E. G.}, + date = {1985}, + publisher = {Dyllansow Truran}, + location = {Redruth}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Joyce1999, + title = {Records of early English drama}, + editor = {Joyce, S. L.}, + date = {1999}, + publisher = {Toronto University Press}, + location = {Toronto}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @incollection{Kennedy1996, title = {\emph{Cornish today}: A Modern Cornish perspective}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Four}, @@ -1348,6 +1938,36 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\kennedy 2013.pdf} } +@book{Kennedy2022, + title = {The annual English\textendash Cornish dictionary 2022}, + author = {Kennedy, Neil}, + date = {2022}, + publisher = {Cornish Language Council}, + location = {Lostwithiel}, + keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} +} + +@book{Kent2000a, + title = {Looking at the mermaid: A reader in Cornish literature, 900\textendash 1900}, + author = {Kent, Alan M. and Saunders, Tim}, + date = {2000}, + publisher = {Francis Boutle}, + location = {London}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Kent2007, + title = {``Mozeying on down \ldots '': The Cornish language in North America}, + booktitle = {The Celtic languages in contact: Papers from the workshop within the framework of the XIII International Congress of Celtic Studies}, + author = {Kent, Alan M.}, + editor = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, + date = {2007}, + pages = {193--216}, + publisher = {Universit\"atsverlag Potsdam}, + location = {Potsdam}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} +} + @article{Knight2014a, title = {``I don't think I'm old enough for `Old Cornwall', am I?''}, author = {Knight, Terry}, @@ -1369,6 +1989,26 @@ keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } +@book{Lewis1988, + title = {Handboek voor het middelcornisch}, + author = {Lewis, H.}, + translator = {Toorians, L.}, + date = {1988}, + publisher = {Tilburg University Press}, + location = {Tilburg}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Lewis1990, + title = {Handbuch des Mittelkornischen}, + author = {Lewis, H.}, + translator = {Zimmer, S.}, + date = {1990}, + publisher = {Institut f\"ur Sprachwissenschaft}, + location = {Innsbruck}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @report{Lobb2004, title = {Strategy for the Cornish language}, author = {Lobb, John and Ansell, George}, @@ -1378,6 +2018,26 @@ keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } +@article{Lockwood1975, + title = {Wortgeschichtliche Miszellen}, + author = {Lockwood, W. B.}, + date = {1975}, + journaltitle = {Zeitschrift f\"ur celtische Philologie}, + volume = {34}, + pages = {154--167}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Lockwood1978, + title = {Two Cornish shearwater names}, + author = {Lockwood, W. B.}, + date = {1978}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {28}, + pages = {86--89}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @unpublished{Lowe2005, title = {Towards a Cornish future: Report on a conference held at Tremough, Penryn, September 17th, 2005}, author = {Lowe, Jenefer}, @@ -1397,6 +2057,18 @@ keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} } +@incollection{Lowenna2011, + title = {Charles Rogers's ``Vocabulary of the Cornish language'', the Rylands vocabulary, and gatherers of pre-``Revival'' fragments}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nineteen}, + author = {Lowenna, Sharon}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {2011}, + pages = {105--122}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} +} + @incollection{Lowenna2012, title = {William Gwavas and a lost Cornish vocabulary fragment at Trinity College Dublin}, booktitle = {Cornish studies: Twenty}, @@ -1425,6 +2097,19 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\lyon c 1990 notes.rtf} } +@incollection{Lyon2007, + title = {Medieval romantic or language visionary? Robert Morton Nance and the Cornish language}, + booktitle = {Setting Cornwall on its feet: Robert Morton Nance, 1873--1959}, + author = {Lyon, Rod}, + editor = {Thomas, Peter W. and Williams, Derek R.}, + date = {2007}, + pages = {??}, + publisher = {Francis Boutle Publishers}, + location = {London}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\lyon-2007.pdf} +} + @book{Lyon2019, title = {Colloquial doesn't mean corrupt}, author = {Lyon, Rod}, @@ -1443,6 +2128,26 @@ keywords = {corn:orth3} } +@article{Maber1979, + title = {Celtic prosody in late Cornish: the {{{\emph{englyn}}}} ``An lavar k\^oth yu lavar gu\^ir''}, + author = {Maber, R. G.}, + date = {1979}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {28}, + pages = {593--598}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Maber1980, + title = {Manuscript additions to a sixteenth-century Welsh grammar}, + author = {Maber, R. G.}, + date = {1980}, + journaltitle = {Durham University Journal}, + volume = {72}, + pages = {261--262}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @report{MacKinnon2000, title = {Cornish at its millennium: An independent study of the language}, author = {MacKinnon, Kenneth}, @@ -1478,6 +2183,15 @@ keywords = {corn:gen,cornish} } +@book{MacKinnon2007, + title = {A single written form for Cornish: Accommodating contemporary varieties}, + author = {MacKinnon, Kenneth}, + date = {2007-03-31}, + keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, + annotation = {Published: Memorandum}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mackinnon 2007.pdf} +} + @online{MAGAKernow2018, title = {Hwedhel Henry Jenner}, author = {{MAGA Kernow}}, @@ -1488,20 +2202,29 @@ keywords = {corn:factrev} } -@incollection{Mills1999a, - title = {Reconstructive phonology and contrastive lexicology: Problems with the {\emph{Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn}}}, - booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seven}, - author = {Mills, Jon}, +@incollection{Manning2005, + title = {Staging the state and the hypostasisation of violence in the medieval Cornish drama}, + booktitle = {Cornish studies: Thirteen}, + author = {Manning, P.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, - date = {1999}, - pages = {193--218}, + date = {2005}, + pages = {126--169}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, - keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, - file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 1999 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 1999.pdf} + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Marx1985, + title = {The problem of the doctrine of the Redemption in the ME mystery plays and the Cornish {\emph{Ordinalia}}}, + author = {Marx, C. W.}, + date = {1985}, + journaltitle = {Medium \AE vum}, + volume = {54}, + pages = {20--32}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} } -@article{Mills1999b, +@article{Mills1999, title = {Cornish lexicography in the twentieth century: Standardisation and divergence}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {1999}, @@ -1513,6 +2236,19 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 1999a.pdf} } +@incollection{Mills1999a, + title = {Reconstructive phonology and contrastive lexicology: Problems with the {\emph{Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn}}}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seven}, + author = {Mills, Jon}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {1999}, + pages = {193--218}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 1999 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 1999.pdf} +} + @inproceedings{Mills2000, title = {Linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism: Idiom in 20th century Cornish}, author = {Mills, Jon}, @@ -1546,6 +2282,28 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 2010.pdf} } +@incollection{Mills2012, + title = {The depiction of tyranny in the Cornish miracle plays}, + booktitle = {Ilteangach, ilseifti\'uil: F\'eilscr\'ibhinn in \'om\'os do Nicholas Williams/A festschrift in honour of Nicholas Williams}, + author = {Mills, Jon}, + editor = {Mac Amhlaigh, Liam and \'O Curn\'ain, Brian}, + date = {2012}, + pages = {139--157}, + publisher = {Arlen House}, + location = {Dublin}, + keywords = {corn:mc,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills-2012.pdf} +} + +@book{Mills2013, + title = {Oxford Children's Cornish\textendash English Visual Dictionary}, + author = {Mills, Jon}, + date = {2013}, + publisher = {Oxford University Press}, + location = {Oxford}, + keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} +} + @article{Mills2013a, title = {The {\emph{Vocabularium Cornicum}}: A Cornish vocabulary?}, author = {Mills, Jon}, @@ -1616,13 +2374,33 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mitchell 1998 notes.rtf} } +@article{Murdoch1981, + title = {Pascon agan Arluth: The literary position of the Cornish poem of the Passion}, + author = {Murdoch, Brian}, + date = {1981}, + journaltitle = {Studi medievali}, + volume = {22}, + pages = {821--836}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Murdoch1990, + title = {The place-names in the Cornish {\emph{Passio Christi}}}, + author = {Murdoch, Brian}, + date = {1990}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {37}, + pages = {116--118}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Murdoch1993, title = {Cornish literature}, author = {Murdoch, Brian}, date = {1993}, publisher = {D. S. Brewer}, location = {Cambridge}, - keywords = {corn:mc} + keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } @incollection{Murdoch1996, @@ -1637,6 +2415,26 @@ keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } +@article{Murdoch1996a, + title = {Legends of the Holy Rood in Cornish drama}, + author = {Murdoch, Brian}, + date = {1996}, + journaltitle = {Studia Celtica Japonica}, + volume = {9}, + pages = {19--34}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Murdoch1999, + title = {The {{{\emph{mors Pilati}}}} in the Cornish {\emph{Resurrexio Domini}}}, + author = {Murdoch, Brian}, + date = {1999}, + journaltitle = {Celtica}, + volume = {23}, + pages = {211--226}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Nance1920, title = {Folk-lore recorded in the Cornish language}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, @@ -1696,6 +2494,59 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\nance 1955 notes.rtf} } +@article{Nance1973, + title = {When was Cornish last spoken traditionally?}, + author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, + date = {1973}, + journaltitle = {Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall}, + volume = {7}, + pages = {76--82}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Nance1979, + title = {Notes on the {\emph{Beunans Meriasek}} MS}, + author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, + date = {1979}, + journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, + volume = {9}, + pages = {34--36}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@thesis{Neale2018, + type = {phdthesis}, + title = {Cornish carols: Heritage in California and South Australia}, + author = {Neale, Elizabeth K.}, + date = {2018}, + institution = {Cardiff University}, + location = {Cardiff}, + abstract = {This thesis examines Christmas carols as heritage in the Cornish diaspora. Emerging from the same carolling tradition in Cornwall, labour migration during the 19 th century resulted in the transfer and development of this musical practice in two key diasporic locations; namely, Grass Valley, California, and the Copper Triangle, in South Australia. Interest in the local performance of the repertoire is growing at a grass roots level in Cornwall, and the carols continue to be seen as part of Cornish (and other) heritage in these overseas communities. However, no academic study has yet attempted to trace or compare the diverging developments of the musical form, or the practices and cultural narratives associated with and emerging from its performance in these locations. I draw on heritage theory and ethnomusicological methodologies in order to provide a nuanced account of these diasporic Cornish carolling traditions, arguing that they offer a compelling case study of how heritage operates as a process that engenders cultural meanings and significances that shift in orientation and emphasis. The thesis comprises of three sections. The first examines the musical materials of Cornish carols, discussing the selection and development of repertoires particular to each location. The second explores the emergence of particular cultural narratives around the carols and their performers, as the traditions developed new performance practices, contexts and cultural significances. The final section explores contemporary perspectives of the carols as local and other heritages in their present day contexts of revival and re-enactment. Combining archival and ethnographic research, this thesis shows that the differing trajectories of the carol traditions in each location are ideal loci within which to examine how notions of heritage may emerge, shift, and develop over time within a musical context.}, + keywords = {corn:nonling,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\neale-2018.pdf} +} + +@article{Newlyn1996, + title = {The Middle Cornish interlude: Genre and tradition}, + author = {Newlyn, E. S.}, + date = {1996}, + journaltitle = {Comparative Drama}, + volume = {30}, + number = {2}, + pages = {266--281}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Norris1859, + title = {Sketch of Cornish grammar}, + author = {Norris, Edwin}, + date = {1859}, + publisher = {Oxford University Press}, + location = {Oxford}, + keywords = {corn:altmat,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\norris-1859.pdf} +} + @book{Norris1859a, title = {The ancient Cornish drama}, editor = {Norris, Edwin}, @@ -1706,6 +2557,78 @@ keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } +@article{Olson1986, + title = {A tenth-century list of Cornish parochial saints}, + author = {Olson, B. L. and Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1986}, + journaltitle = {Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies}, + volume = {12}, + pages = {33--71}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Olson1997, + title = {Tyranny in {\emph{Beunans Meriasek}}}, + booktitle = {Cornish studies: Five}, + author = {Olson, Lynette}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {1997}, + pages = {52--59}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} +} + +@article{Orme1993, + title = {Education in the medieval Cornish play {\emph{Beunans Meriasek}}}, + author = {Orme, N.}, + date = {1993}, + journaltitle = {Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies}, + volume = {25}, + pages = {1--13}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1973, + title = {The assibilation of final dental stops}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1973}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {57--58}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1973a, + title = {\emph{Resurrectio Domini}, 1232}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1973}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {58}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1973b, + title = {Old Cornish {{{\emph{odencolc}}}} ``lime-kiln''}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1973}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {58--59}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1974, + title = {Cornish {{{\emph{plu}}}}, ``parish''}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1974}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {2}, + pages = {75--78}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @book{Padel1975a, title = {The Cornish writings of the Boson family}, author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, @@ -1715,6 +2638,136 @@ keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } +@article{Padel1975b, + title = {Personal names containing {{{\emph{plu}}}}, ``parish''}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1975}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {3}, + pages = {19--22}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1978, + title = {The {{{\emph{mawr a beth}}}} construction in Cornish}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1978}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {6}, + pages = {7--8}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1979, + title = {More of the {{{\emph{tek a wel}}}} construction}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1979}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {7}, + pages = {39--40}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1979a, + title = {\emph{Vrewvan} ``soreness''}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1979}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {7}, + pages = {41}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1979b, + title = {Cornish names of parish churches}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1979}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {4--5}, + pages = {15--27}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1980, + title = {Miscellanea cornica}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1980}, + journaltitle = {Studia celtica}, + volume = {14--15}, + pages = {233--245}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Padel1981, + title = {Tintagel, an alternative view}, + booktitle = {A provisional list of imported pottery in post-Roman western Britain and Ireland}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + editor = {Thomas, Charles}, + date = {1981}, + pages = {28--29}, + publisher = {Institute of Cornish Studies}, + location = {Redruth}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1981a, + title = {The Cornish background of the Tristan stories}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1981}, + journaltitle = {Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {53--82}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1984, + title = {Geoffrey of Monmouth and Cornwall}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1984}, + journaltitle = {Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies}, + volume = {8}, + pages = {1--28}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Padel1985, + title = {Cornish place-name elements}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1985}, + publisher = {English Place-Name Society}, + location = {Nottingham}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1987, + title = {Predannack or Pradnick in Mullion}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1987}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {15}, + pages = {11--14}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Padel1988, + title = {A popular dictionary of Cornish place-names}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1988}, + publisher = {Alison Hodge}, + location = {Penzance}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Padel1996, + title = {Notes on the new edition of the Middle Cornish ``Charter endorsement''}, + author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, + date = {1996}, + journaltitle = {Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies}, + volume = {30}, + pages = {123--127}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Padel2017, title = {Where was Middle Cornish spoken?}, author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, @@ -1737,6 +2790,16 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\padel-2021.pdf} } +@book{Page2010, + title = {Cornish grammar for beginners and the auxiliary verbs}, + author = {Page, John}, + date = {2010}, + edition = {7th (revised SWF) edition}, + publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, + location = {Penzance}, + keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} +} + @book{Page2011, title = {Cornish grammar: Intermediate}, author = {Page, John}, @@ -1847,12 +2910,12 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\payton 2000 notes.rtf} } -@incollection{Penglase1997, +@incollection{Penglase1994, title = {Authenticity in the revival of Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Two}, author = {Penglase, Charles}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, - date = {1997}, + date = {1994}, pages = {96--107}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, @@ -1860,6 +2923,45 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\penglase 1997 notes.rtf} } +@article{Penglase1997, + title = {La Bible en moyen-cornique}, + author = {Penglase, C.}, + date = {1997}, + journaltitle = {\'Etudes celtiques}, + volume = {33}, + pages = {233--243}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Penglase2001, + title = {The future indicative in the early modern Cornish of Tregear}, + author = {Penglase, C.}, + date = {2001}, + journaltitle = {\'Etudes celtiques}, + volume = {34}, + pages = {215--231}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Pennaod1978, + title = {Passyon agan Arluth: Pasion hon Aotrou \textendash{} Barzhoneg kernevek eus ar 15t kantved}, + author = {Pennaod, G.}, + date = {1978}, + publisher = {Preder}, + location = {Rennes}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Picken1985, + title = {Cornish place-names and fiefs in a twelfth-century charter}, + author = {Picken, W. W. M.}, + date = {1985}, + journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, + volume = {13}, + pages = {55--61}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Picken1986, title = {Bishop Wulfsige Comoere: An unrecognised tenth-century gloss in the Bodmin Gospels}, author = {Picken, W. M. M.}, @@ -1914,6 +3016,27 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\pool 1991 notes.rtf} } +@article{Pool1994, + title = {The field names of the manor of Mulfra}, + author = {Pool, P. A. S.}, + date = {1994}, + journaltitle = {Royal Institution of Cornwall Journal}, + volume = {2}, + number = {1}, + pages = {43--73}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Price1975, + title = {A note on two attestations to late Cornish}, + author = {Price, Glanville}, + date = {1975}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {26}, + pages = {413--416}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @incollection{Price1996, title = {Negative particles in Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Four}, @@ -1981,6 +3104,56 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\pfecmr 2006.pdf} } +@report{PublicFoundationforEuropeanComparativeMinorityResearch2007, + title = {Cornish in the UK through the lenses of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages}, + author = {{Public Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research}}, + date = {2007}, + url = {https://www.languagecharter.coe.int/docs/byLanguage/Cornish_in_the_UK.doc}, + keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} +} + +@article{Quentel1981, + title = {Les d\'esinences en -{\emph{k}}- et sp\'ecialement en -{\emph{\=ako}}-, -{\emph{\=aka}}, dans la toponymie du Cornwall}, + author = {Quentel, P.}, + date = {1981}, + journaltitle = {Onoma}, + volume = {24}, + pages = {45--50}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Quentel1982, + title = {Notes corniques}, + author = {Quentel, P.}, + date = {1982}, + journaltitle = {Zeitschrift f\"ur celtische Philologie}, + volume = {39}, + pages = {195--203}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@article{Quentel2014, + title = {Celtic roots in the neology of the South Brittonic languages}, + author = {Quentel, Gilles}, + date = {2014}, + journaltitle = {Res Celticae}, + volume = {1}, + pages = {101--113}, + keywords = {breton,corn:revling,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\quentel 2014.pdf} +} + +@thesis{Rayne2012, + type = {phdthesis}, + title = {Henry Jenner and the Celtic revival in Cornwall}, + author = {Rayne, Samantha}, + date = {2012}, + institution = {University of Exeter}, + abstract = {This thesis seeks to explore the influence of Henry Jenner as one of the most prominent figures of the Celtic Revival in Cornwall and in the wider Celtic community. To contextualise this, it will examine the image of the Celts as a people in the first half of the twentieth century and the assertion of Celtic identity in that period through the Celtic Revival. The opening chapter examines the concepts of nations and nationalism, particularly Celtic nationalism. The second chapter focuses on the Victorian era as a motivating force for Henry Jenner and others to `write back' against a long and insidious discourse of discrimination. Chapter Three goes on to look at how the political situation in both Britain and Ireland came to influence the nature of Celtic identity assertion and also the extent to which Jenner's own political views impacted on the nature of Cornwall's Celtic Revival. In Chapter Four the impact of tourism on Cornwall, and on Cornish identity, is examined, particularly how the image of Cornwall as a Celtic nation created by Jenner and others was embraced and manipulated by that industry. Chapter Five looks at the consequences of image manipulation on tourist- dependent regions. The final chapter concentrates more specifically on the work of Jenner and the Old Cornwall Societies, and the thesis concludes by appraising the influence of the ideas and beliefs of Henry Jenner on our contemporary vision of Cornwall. It focuses particularly on how the predominance of memory created a haunted identity which was embraced by the burgeoning tourist industry and examines how this identity has subsequently impacted on the economic well-being of the region. But it also concludes that Jenner's legacy endures in so many of the positive images of, and statements about, Cornwall today.}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\rayne-2012.pdf} +} + @report{Read2014, title = {Why should the Cornish be recognised as a national minority within the UK?}, author = {Read, D.}, @@ -2006,6 +3179,16 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\renko-michelsen 2013.pdf} } +@article{RetallackHooper1976, + title = {``Merther'' place names in Cornwall}, + author = {Retallack Hooper, E. G.}, + date = {1976}, + journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, + volume = {8}, + pages = {355--356}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @unpublished{Rule2007, title = {Response to the report of the commission}, author = {Rule, Laurence}, @@ -2023,6 +3206,24 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\saltern 2011.pdf} } +@book{Sandercock1982, + title = {The Cornish ``Ordinalia'', second play: ``Christ's Passion''}, + editor = {Sandercock, Graham}, + date = {1982}, + publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, + location = {Saltash}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Sandercock1984, + title = {The Cornish ``Ordinalia'', third play: ``Resurrection''}, + editor = {Sandercock, Graham}, + date = {1984}, + publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, + location = {Saltash}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @article{Sandercock1989, title = {Kernewek Unys}, author = {Sandercock, Graham}, @@ -2120,7 +3321,6 @@ title = {The Cornish language in education in the UK}, author = {Sayers, Dave and Davies-Deacon, Merryn and Croome, Sarah}, date = {2019}, - series = {Mercator Regional Dossiers}, institution = {Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning}, location = {Leeuwarden}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, @@ -2252,6 +3452,16 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\tabb 2005 notes.rtf} } +@book{TeerehaTavaz1987, + title = {Kernow bez viken: ``Cornwall for ever'', a book of Cornish words and phrases}, + author = {{Teere ha Tavaz}}, + date = {1987}, + publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, + location = {Menheniot}, + keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\tht 1987 notes.rtf} +} + @book{TeerehaTavaz1987a, title = {Kernow bez viken: `Cornwall for ever', a book of Cornish words and phrases}, author = {{Teere ha Tavaz}}, @@ -2271,6 +3481,28 @@ file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\thomas 1973 notes.rtf} } +@article{Thomas1980, + title = {An archaic place-name element from the Isles of Scilly}, + author = {Thomas, Charles}, + date = {1980}, + journaltitle = {Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies}, + volume = {28}, + pages = {229--233}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Thomas1984, + title = {Cornish}, + booktitle = {Language in the British Isles}, + author = {Thomas, A. R.}, + editor = {Trudgill, Peter}, + date = {1984}, + pages = {278--288}, + publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, + location = {Cambridge}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @incollection{Thomas1992, title = {The Cornish language}, booktitle = {The Celtic languages}, @@ -2293,6 +3525,36 @@ keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } +@article{Toorians1990, + title = {Passic, lief en leed: De oudste po\"ezie van het keltische Cornwall}, + author = {Toorians, L.}, + date = {1990}, + journaltitle = {Kruispunt}, + volume = {129}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Toorians1991, + title = {The Middle Cornish charter endorsement: The making of a marriage in medieval Cornwall}, + author = {Toorians, L.}, + date = {1991}, + publisher = {Innsbrucker Beitr\"age zur Sprachwissenschaft}, + location = {Innsbruck}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Toorians1997, + title = {French loan-words containing nasal vowels in Middle Cornish}, + booktitle = {Sound law and analogy}, + author = {Toorians, L.}, + editor = {Lubotsky, A.}, + date = {1997}, + pages = {327--332}, + publisher = {Leiden University Press}, + location = {Leiden}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @incollection{Tregidga2013, title = {Celtic comparisons: Brittany and the revivalist movement in Cornwall}, booktitle = {Bretagne/Cornouailles (britanniques) : Quelles relations ?}, @@ -2370,7 +3632,28 @@ publisher = {Trubner \& Co}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:altmat,cornish}, - file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/williams-1865.pdf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams-1865.pdf} +} + +@incollection{Williams1990, + title = {A problem in Cornish phonology}, + booktitle = {Celtic linguistics/ieithyddiaeth geltaidd: Readings in the Brythonic languages}, + author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, + editor = {Ball, Martin J. and Fife, James and Poppe, Erich and Rowland, Jenny}, + date = {1990}, + pages = {241--274}, + publisher = {John Benjamins}, + location = {Amsterdam}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + +@book{Williams1993b, + title = {Prying into every hole and corner: Edward Lhuyd in Cornwall in 1700}, + author = {Williams, D. R.}, + date = {1993}, + publisher = {Dyllansow Truran}, + location = {Redruth}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} } @book{Williams1995, @@ -2403,7 +3686,7 @@ publisher = {Agan Tavas}, location = {Portreath}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, - file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/williams-1997.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 1997 notes.rtf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 1997 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams-1997.pdf} } @incollection{Williams1998, @@ -2431,6 +3714,15 @@ keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish} } +@book{Williams2000c, + title = {English\textendash Cornish dictionary/Gerlyver sawsnek\textendash kernowek}, + author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, + date = {2000}, + publisher = {Agan Tavas}, + location = {Redruth}, + keywords = {corn:unsorted,cornish} +} + @incollection{Williams2001, title = {``A modern and scholarly Cornish-English dictionary'': Ken George's {\emph{Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn}} (1993)}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nine}, @@ -2479,24 +3771,24 @@ keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish} } -@book{Williams2006c, - title = {Writings on revived Cornish}, +@book{Williams2006b, + title = {Towards authentic Cornish}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {2006}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, - file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006a notes.rtf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006 notes.rtf} } -@book{Williams2006d, - title = {Towards authentic Cornish}, +@book{Williams2006c, + title = {Writings on revived Cornish}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {2006}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, - file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006 notes.rtf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006a notes.rtf} } @book{Williams2007a, @@ -2532,6 +3824,30 @@ keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish} } +@incollection{Williams2011, + title = {Some Cornish plurals}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nineteen}, + author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {2011}, + pages = {35--59}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish} +} + +@incollection{Williams2011a, + title = {``I am answerable for the Cornish'': The genesis of the Revd Robert Williams's {\emph{Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum}} and the significance of the Peniarth Library's Hengwrt Manuscripts in his later research}, + booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nineteen}, + author = {Williams, Derek R.}, + editor = {Payton, Philip}, + date = {2011}, + pages = {84--104}, + publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, + location = {Exeter}, + keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} +} + @incollection{Williams2013, title = {Adjectival and adverbial prefixes in Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Twenty-one}, @@ -2573,7 +3889,7 @@ pages = {21--38}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, location = {Berlin}, - keywords = {corn:revc,cornish} + keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } @book{Wmffre1998a, @@ -2585,5 +3901,5 @@ publisher = {LINCOM Europa}, location = {Munich}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, - file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/wmffre 1998a.pdf} + file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\wmffre 1998a.pdf} } diff --git a/bibliography.pdf b/bibliography.pdf index 3367514..33eae17 100644 Binary files a/bibliography.pdf and b/bibliography.pdf differ diff --git a/bibliography.tex b/bibliography.tex index f10a8ee..5d44f0a 100644 --- a/bibliography.tex +++ b/bibliography.tex @@ -96,53 +96,59 @@ urlseen={Accessed}, \section*{Draft bibliography for Cornish} -\printbibliography[title={Introductions and general histories},keyword=corn:gen] +\tableofcontents -\printbibliography[title={Old Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:oc] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Introductions and general histories},keyword=corn:gen] -\printbibliography[title={Middle Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:mc] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Old Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:oc] -\printbibliography[title={Late Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:lc] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Middle Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:mc] -\printbibliography[title={Revived Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:revc] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Late Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:lc] -\printbibliography[title={Linguistic works on traditional +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Revived Cornish writing and commentary},keyword=corn:revc] + +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Linguistic works on traditional Cornish},keyword=corn:tradling] -\printbibliography[title={Linguistic works on revived Cornish},keyword=corn:revling] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Linguistic works on revived Cornish},keyword=corn:revling] + +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={The decline of Cornish},keyword=corn:decl] -\printbibliography[title={The decline of Cornish},keyword=corn:decl] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Unified Cornish/Unified Cornish Revised/Kernowek Standard},keyword=corn:ucmat] -\printbibliography[title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Unified Cornish/Unified Cornish Revised/Kernowek Standard},keyword=corn:ucmat] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Kernewek Kemmyn},keyword=corn:kkmat] -\printbibliography[title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Kernewek Kemmyn},keyword=corn:kkmat] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Modern Cornish},keyword=corn:rlcmat] -\printbibliography[title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Modern Cornish},keyword=corn:rlcmat] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: SWF},keyword=corn:swfmat] -\printbibliography[title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: SWF},keyword=corn:swfmat] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Early and other varieties},keyword=corn:altmat] -\printbibliography[title={Textbooks, dictionaries, grammars: Early and other varieties},keyword=corn:altmat] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Spelling/varieties debate 1: Pre-Kernewek Kemmyn},keyword=corn:orth1] -\printbibliography[title={Spelling/varieties debate 1: Pre-Kernewek Kemmyn},keyword=corn:orth1] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Spelling/varieties debate 2: Post-Kernewek Kemmyn},keyword=corn:orth2] -\printbibliography[title={Spelling/varieties debate 2: Post-Kernewek Kemmyn},keyword=corn:orth2] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Spelling/varieties debate 3: The SWF era},keyword=corn:orth3] -\printbibliography[title={Spelling/varieties debate 3: The SWF era},keyword=corn:orth3] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Accounts of antiquarian work and of the early revival},keyword=corn:factrev] -\printbibliography[title={Accounts of the early revival},keyword=corn:factrev] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={(Critical) accounts of the later revival and + contemporary use of Cornish},keyword=corn:critrev2] -\printbibliography[title={Critical accounts of the later revival and contemporary situation},keyword=corn:critrev2] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Language policy},keyword=corn:pol] -\printbibliography[title={Language policy and Cornish in - society},keyword=corn:pol] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Language technology},keyword=corn:tech] -\printbibliography[title={Language technology},keyword=corn:tech] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={For popular audiences},keyword=corn:pop] -\printbibliography[title={For popular audiences},keyword=corn:pop] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Cornwall and Brittany},keyword=corn:bret] -\printbibliography[title={Cornwall and Brittany},keyword=corn:bret] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={A selection of non-language-focused + works},keyword=corn:nonling] -\printbibliography[title={A selection of non-language-focused works},keyword=corn:nonling] +\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc,title={Works I have not seen, but which are cited in earlier issues of \textit{The + year's work in modern language studies}},keyword=corn:unsorted] \end{document} %%% Local Variables: