@article{1982, title = {Quiz!}, date = {1982}, journaltitle = {An Weryn}, volume = {18}, pages = {14--15}, keywords = {corn:orth1,cornish} } @article{2015, title = {Signs in Cornish increase}, date = {2015-08-06}, journaltitle = {The Plymouth Herald}, pages = {11}, entrysubtype = {newspaper}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @book{Bannister1871, title = {A glossary of Cornish names}, author = {Bannister, John}, date = {1871}, publisher = {Williams \& Norgate}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:pop,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\bannister-1871.pdf} } @article{Barton2015, title = {Cornish funnyman Kernow King to be made a bard}, author = {Barton, L.}, date = {2015-08-03}, journaltitle = {Western Morning News}, entrysubtype = {newspaper}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @article{Betcher2003, title = {Minstrels, Morris dancers, and players: Tracing the routes of travelling performers in early modern Cornwall}, author = {Betcher, Gloria J.}, date = {2003}, journaltitle = {Early Theatre}, volume = {6}, number = {2}, pages = {33--55}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\betcher 2003.pdf} } @unpublished{Bock2007, title = {Kernewek Dasunys: Proposals for a standard written form of revived Cornish}, author = {Bock, Albert and Bruch, Benjamin}, date = {2007}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\bock & bruch 2007.rtf} } @report{Bock2008, title = {An outline of the standard written form of Cornish}, author = {Bock, Albert and Bruch, Benjamin}, date = {2008}, institution = {Cornish Language Partnership}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\bock & bruch 2008 addendum.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\bock & bruch 2008.pdf} } @article{Brown1987, title = {Deryvas a'n cuntellas a vern synsys dhe'n 13ves a vys Metheven yn kever lytherennans}, author = {Brown, Wella}, date = {1987}, journaltitle = {An Gannas}, volume = {127}, pages = {2--3}, keywords = {corn:orth1,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\brown 1987 translation.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\brown 1987.pdf} } @unpublished{Brown1991, title = {The Cornish language}, author = {Brown, Wella and Chubb, Denise and Chubb, Ray and Kennedy, Neil and Ninnis, Jane}, date = {1991}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\brown chubb chubb kennedy & ninnis 1991 notes.rtf} } @book{Brown2001, title = {A grammar of modern Cornish}, author = {Brown, Wella}, date = {2001}, edition = {3rd edition}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish} } @book{Brown2003, title = {Skeul an yeth: A complete course in the Cornish language, book one}, author = {Brown, Wella}, date = {2003}, edition = {2nd edition}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\brown-2003.pdf} } @report{Brown2006a, title = {Derivas hy thowl/A policy statement}, author = {Brown, Wella and Sandercock, Graham}, date = {2006}, institution = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\brown & sandercock 2006.rtf} } @report{Burley2008, title = {A report on the Cornish Language Survey conducted by the Cornish Language Partnership}, author = {Burley, S.}, date = {2008}, url = {http://www.magakernow.org/default.aspx?page=404}, urldate = {2016-02-05}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @thesis{Carkeek2009, type = {phdthesis}, title = {Cornish language revival: Attitudes, behaviour and the maintenance of an ethnic identity}, author = {Carkeek, Amina}, date = {2009}, institution = {University of East Anglia}, abstract = {The Cornish language is a member of the Brythonic branch of the Insular Celtic languages. It ceased to be spoken as a living community language in the 18th century. Since the early 20th century, a revival movement has been in existence. At the beginning of the 21st century, political and social momentum in support of the revival, are becoming evident. This research shows that there is a cross-generational appetite amongst non-activist residents within Cornwall for the language revival. Although support is voiced for proposed school curriculum inclusion and a distinct, albeit limited, future role for the language, enthusiasm is predominantly at the symbolic level. Outside a small number of language learners, there is little evidence of tangible engagement with language learning, or willingness to contribute financially, amongst adult respondents. The language is being adopted, symbolically, as a core value for a group that has experienced contemporary dislocation from its key identity markers. Furthermore, the linguistic marker of the Cornish accent of English also exhibits signs of dilution amongst those adolescents interviewed. A salient link between the Celtic Cornish language and ethnic identity, for the informants, has been discerned within this study. The younger age cohort responses, however, are suggestive of a shift in association towards a more inclusive, regional identity marker. Identity implications for language centred policies, notably language teaching within schools, are instructive. Whether the language, as an expression of ethnic and cultural distinctiveness within a political environment of state-centred identity politics, will thereby engender acute self-awareness of nationhood within the Cornish and ultimately trigger insipient demands for secession, is, as yet, unclear. The exploitation of the language, however, within any emergent nationalist discourse, is considered highly probable on the basis of the statistical results from the data analysis and the free comments of interviewees.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/carkeek 2009.pdf} } @thesis{Chaudhri2007, type = {phdthesis}, title = {Studies in the consonantal system of Cornish}, author = {Chaudhri, Talat Z.}, date = {2007}, institution = {University of Wales, Aberystwyth}, abstract = {This thesis seeks to address a small number of highly significant, unresolved issues in the consonantal system of the Cornish language, providing an analysis of the relevant sound changes during the crucial formative periods of their development. These studies draw upon the extant records of Old, Middle and Late Cornish and employ the methods of comparative historical phonology to reconstruct the most likely sequence of sound changes based upon the variant orthography of the various documents and other remnants of the language. The comparative element of the work relies upon the reconstruction of the phonological system of the language with reference to the attested languages most closely related to it. In this study, this necessarily focuses most closely upon the other extant Brythonic languages (Welsh and Breton), with occasional reference to the Goidelic languages. This process also includes non-Celtic languages where relevant: notably Latin, English and French, from which a great number of words were borrowed into Cornish. Specifically, the thesis comprises the following principal areas of study: (1) pre-occlusion in Middle and Late Cornish, the phenomenon by which n, nn became dn and by which m, mm became bm in certain phonetic environments; (2) the confusion of initial b and m in certain words in Middle and Late Cornish; (3) rare confusions of s and th in medial and final positions, principally in late Middle Cornish; and (4) an analysis of the progression of sound changes by which Old Cornish d, t became represented as Middle Cornish s, g and other spellings.}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\chaudhri 2007.pdf} } @incollection{Chubb2007, title = {Recognisability of traditional Cornish place-names and surnames in the varieties of revived Cornish}, booktitle = {Form and content in revived Cornish}, author = {Chubb, Ray and Weatherhill, Craig}, editor = {Everson, Michael}, date = {2007}, pages = {65--68}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\chubb & weatherhill 2007 notes.rtf} } @book{Chubb2009, title = {Skeul an tavas: A Cornish language coursebook for adults in the Standard Written Form with Traditional Graphs}, author = {Chubb, Ray}, date = {2009}, publisher = {Agan Tavas}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} } @book{Chubb2009a, title = {Skeul an tavas: A Cornish language coursebook for schools in the Standard Written Form}, author = {Chubb, Ray}, date = {2009}, publisher = {Agan Tavas}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} } @book{Chubb2009b, title = {Skeul an tavas: A coursebook in Standard Cornish}, author = {Chubb, Ray}, date = {2009}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish} } @article{Combellack1978, title = {Twelve years' progress in Unified Cornish, 1967 to 1979}, author = {Combellack, Myrna}, date = {1978}, journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, volume = {6}, pages = {45--51}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\combellack 1978.pdf} } @unpublished{CornishLanguageBoard2008, title = {Statement}, author = {{Cornish Language Board}}, date = {2008}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @misc{CornishLanguageCommission2007, title = {Statement from the Commission for a single written form of Cornish}, author = {{Cornish Language Commission}}, date = {2007}, url = {http://www.kernowek.net/Commission-statement-14.10.2007.pdf}, urldate = {2016-01-26}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @unpublished{CornishLanguagePartnership2007, title = {Report on the Standard Written Form, 17 October 2007}, author = {{Cornish Language Partnership}}, date = {2007}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\clc 2007.pdf} } @unpublished{CornishLanguagePartnership2008, title = {The role of variants and side forms in the SWF}, author = {{Cornish Language Partnership}}, date = {2008}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @report{CornishLanguagePartnership2013, title = {A report on the attitude towards the Cornish language survey conducted by Cornwall Council in association with the Cornish Language Partnership}, author = {{Cornish Language Partnership}}, date = {2013}, institution = {Cornish Language Partnership}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\clp 2013.pdf} } @report{CornishLanguagePartnership2013a, type = {Report}, title = {A report on the Cornish Language Survey conducted by the Cornish Language Partnership}, author = {{Cornish Language Partnership}}, date = {2013}, url = {http://www.magakernow.org.uk/pdf/2013%20User%20Survey%20Report.pdf}, urldate = {2016-02-05}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @report{CornishLanguagePartnership2014a, title = {SWF review: Final report}, author = {{Cornish Language Partnership}}, date = {2014}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\clp 2014a.pdf} } @report{CornwallCouncil2009, title = {Cornish language policy}, author = {{Cornwall Council}}, date = {2009}, institution = {Cornwall Council}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\cornwall council 2009.rtf} } @report{CornwallCouncil2013, title = {Cornish language policy}, author = {{Cornwall Council}}, date = {2013}, institution = {Cornwall Council}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\cornwall council 2013.pdf} } @unpublished{CornwallCouncil2015, title = {Draft Cornwall Council Cornish language plan: 2016\textendash 2018}, author = {{Cornwall Council}}, date = {2015}, url = {https://democracy.cornwall.gov.uk/documents/s84260/Cornish%20Language%20Plan% 20Appendix%201_P1.pdf}, urldate = {2015-11-26}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @report{CornwallCouncil2016b, title = {Cornwall Council condemns government decision to cut funding for Cornish language}, author = {{Cornwall Council}}, date = {2016-04-21}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, annotation = {Published: Press release} } @article{CouncilofEurope1992, title = {European charter for regional or minority languages}, author = {{Council of Europe}}, date = {1992}, journaltitle = {European Treaty Series}, number = {148}, url = {https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=0900001680695175}, keywords = {corn:pol}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\coe 1992.pdf} } @article{Croome2015, title = {Accommodation and resistance in the implementation of a minority language: A survey of headteacher attitudes across primary schools in Cornwall}, author = {Croome, Sarah}, date = {2015}, journaltitle = {SOAS working papers in linguistics}, volume = {17}, pages = {113--145}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\croome 2015.pdf} } @unpublished{CusselanTavasKernuak2007, title = {Time for change: The case for modern Cornish}, author = {{Cussel an Tavas Kernuak}}, date = {2007}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\ctk 2007.pdf} } @unpublished{CusselanTavasKernuak2008, title = {Statement on a possible consensus SWF}, author = {{Cussel an Tavas Kernuak}}, date = {2008}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @thesis{Davey2011, type = {phdthesis}, title = {``As is the manner and the custom'': Identity and folk tradition in Cornwall}, author = {Davey, Merv}, date = {2011}, institution = {University of Exeter}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/davey 2011.pdf} } @thesis{Davies-Deacon2016, type = {mathesis}, title = {Orthographies and ideologies in revived Cornish}, author = {Davies-Deacon, Merryn}, date = {2016}, institution = {University of York}, abstract = {While orthography development involves detailed linguistic work, it is particularly subject to non-linguistic influences, including beliefs relating to group identity, as well as political context and the level of available state support. This thesis investigates the development of orthographies for Cornish, a minority language spoken in the UK. Cornish is a revived language: while it is now used by several hundred people, it underwent language death in the early modern era, with the result that no one orthography ever came to take precedence naturally. During the revival, a number of orthographies have been created, following different principles. This thesis begins by giving an account of the development of these different orthographies, focusing on the context in which this took place and how contextual factors affected their implementation and reception. Following this, the situation of Cornish is compared to that of Breton, its closest linguistic neighbour and a minority language which has experienced revitalisation, and the creation of multiple orthographies, over the same period. Factors affecting both languages are identified, reinforcing the importance of certain contextual influences. After this, materials related to both languages, including language policy, examinations, and learning resources, are investigated in order to determine the extent to which they acknowledge the multiplicity of orthographies in Cornish and Breton. The results of this investigation indicate that while a certain orthography appears to have been established as a standard in the case of Breton, this cannot be said for Cornish, despite significant amounts of language planning work in this domain in recent years. The final chapter summarises the findings of the thesis, considers possible future developments for the status of revived Cornish orthographies, and affirms the relevance of this case to language planning for minority languages in general, emphasising the need to be aware of the importance of ideological factors of the kind highlighted throughout the thesis.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\davies-deacon 2016.pdf} } @article{Davies-Deacon2017, title = {Names, varieties and ideologies in revived Cornish}, author = {Davies-Deacon, Merryn}, date = {2017}, journaltitle = {Studia Celtica Posnaniensia}, volume = {2}, pages = {81--95}, doi = {10.1515/scp-2017-0005}, abstract = {The attribution of names is a significant process that often highlights concerns over identity, ideology and ownership. Within the fields of minority languages and Celtic Studies, such concerns are especially pertinent given that the identities in question are frequently perceived as under threat from dominant cultures. The effect of concerns caused by this can be examined with reference to revived Cornish, which became divided into three major varieties in the later twentieth century; by examining the names of these varieties, we can draw conclusions about how they are perceived, or we are invited to perceive them. The motivations of those involved in the Cornish language revival are equally reflected in the names of the organisations and bodies they have formed, which equally contribute to the legitimation of revived Cornish. This paper examines both these categories of name, as well as the phenomenon of Kernowisation, a term coined by Harasta (2013) to refer to the adoption of Cornish personal names, and here extended to the use of Cornish names in otherwise English-language contexts. Examining the names that have been implemented during the Cornish language revival, and the ways in which they are used or indeed refused by those involved, gives us an insight into the various ideologies that steer the revival process. Within the context of the precarious nature of Cornish and Celtic identity, we can identify the concerns of those involved in the Cornish revival movement and highlight the role of naming as an activity of legitimation, showing how the diversity of names that occur reflects an equally diverse range of motivations and influences.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\davies-deacon 2017.pdf} } @article{Davies-Deacon2020a, title = {The orthography of revived Cornish as an attempt at pluricentricity}, author = {Davies-Deacon, Merryn}, date = {2020}, journaltitle = {Language Problems and Language Planning}, volume = {44}, number = {1}, pages = {66--86}, abstract = {After over twenty years of debate over Cornish orthographies, recognition by the UK government according to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in 2003 led to the creation of what was initially intended as a ``single written form'' for use in official contexts. However, the inevitable impossibility of finding a compromise that pleased opposing groups of speakers with differing ideologies meant that the eventual Standard Written Form (SWF) was pluricentric, comprising two ``main forms''. While these were initially stated to be of equal status, this has been hard to maintain since the SWF's implementation: with more speakers using Middle Cornish forms, the Late Cornish forms are less visible and commonly believed to be subsidiary. Drawing on such perceptions, along with learning materials and other resources, this paper examines the status of the SWF today and offers some reflections on this unsuccessful attempt at pluricentricity in a minoritised language.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\davies-deacon 2020.pdf} } @incollection{Deacon1996, title = {Language revival and language debate: Modernity and postmodernity}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Four}, author = {Deacon, Bernard}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1996}, pages = {88--106}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\deacon 1996 notes.rtf} } @book{Deacon2003, title = {Mebyon Kernow and Cornish nationalism}, author = {Deacon, Bernard and Cole, Dick and Tregidga, Garry}, date = {2003}, publisher = {Welsh Academic Press}, location = {Cardiff}, keywords = {corn:nonling,cornish} } @incollection{Deacon2006, title = {Cornish or Klingon? The standardisation of the Cornish language}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Fourteen}, author = {Deacon, Bernard}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2006}, pages = {13--23}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\deacon 2006.pdf} } @incollection{Deacon2007a, title = {Deconstructing Kernowek Kemyn: A critical review of {{{\emph{Agan Yeth}}}} 4}, booktitle = {Form and content in revived Cornish}, author = {Deacon, Bernard}, editor = {Everson, Michael}, date = {2007}, pages = {69--84}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @article{Deacon2007d, title = {County, nation, ethnic group? The shaping of the Cornish identity}, author = {Deacon, Bernard}, date = {2007}, journaltitle = {International Journal of Regional and Local Studies}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {5--29}, keywords = {corn:nonling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\deacon 2007b.pdf} } @incollection{Deacon2007e, title = {The Cornish Language Board against the world: The Board's {{{\emph{Policy statement}}}} of November 2006}, booktitle = {Form and content in revived Cornish}, author = {Deacon, Bernard}, editor = {Everson, Michael}, date = {2007}, pages = {85--89}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @book{Dunbar1997, title = {Kernewek Kemmyn: Cornish for the twenty-first century}, author = {Dunbar, Pawl and George, Kenneth J.}, date = {1997}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\dunbar & george 1997 notes.rtfd\\Pasted Graphic.tiff;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\dunbar & george 1997 notes.rtfd\\TXT.rtf} } @incollection{Dunmore2011a, title = {Language decline and the `Theory of Cornish distinctiveness': The historiography of language and identity in early modern Cornwall}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 31}, author = {Dunmore, Stuart}, editor = {Furchtgott, D. and Holmberg, Matthew and McMullen, A. Joseph and Sumner, Natasha}, date = {2011}, pages = {91--105}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, location = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}, keywords = {corn:decl} } @book{Edwards2008, title = {Pascon agan Arluth/Passhyon agan Arloedh}, editor = {Edwards, Ray}, date = {2008}, edition = {2}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } @book{Ellis1974, title = {The Cornish language and its literature}, author = {Ellis, Peter Berresford}, date = {1974}, publisher = {Routledge}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish} } @book{Ellis1974a, title = {The story of the Cornish language}, author = {Ellis, Peter Berresford}, date = {1974}, publisher = {Tor Mark Press}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\ellis 1974a.pdf} } @incollection{Eska2020, title = {Prolegomena to the diachrony of Cornish syntax}, booktitle = {Morphosyntactic variation in medieval Celtic languages}, author = {Eska, Joseph F. and Bruch, Benjamin}, editor = {Lash, Elliott and Qiu, Fangzhe and Stifter, David}, date = {2020}, pages = {313--337}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, location = {Berlin}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish} } @incollection{Everett2003, title = {Celtic revival and the Anglican church in Cornwall}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Eleven}, author = {Everett, David}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2003}, pages = {192--219}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\everett 2003 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Everett2011, title = {Henry Jenner and the British Museum}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nineteen}, author = {Everett, D.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2011}, pages = {140--157}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\everett 2011 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Everson1999a, title = {``An event of great signicance'' (sic): A review of George's {{{\emph{Gerlyver kres}}}}}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seven}, author = {Everson, Michael}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1999}, pages = {242--253}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish} } @book{Everson2007a, title = {Form and content in revived Cornish}, editor = {Everson, Michael}, date = {2007}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @misc{Everson2007b, title = {Requirements for a single written form of Cornish}, author = {Everson, Michael and Bennett, Frances and Chubb, Denise and Chubb, Ray and Climo, Andrew and Climo, Eddie and Climo, Laurie and Deacon, Bernard and Kennedy, Neil and Miller, Patricia and Prohaska, Dan and Weatherhill, Craig and Williams, David Gus and Williams, Nicholas}, date = {2007}, url = {http://kernowek.net/towards-swf.pdf}, urldate = {2016-01-26}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @incollection{Everson2007c, title = {Recent typography in Kernowek Kemyn}, booktitle = {Form and content in revived Cornish}, author = {Everson, Michael}, editor = {Everson, Michael}, date = {2007}, pages = {1--12}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\everson 2007 notes.rtf} } @article{Ferdinand2013, title = {A brief history of the Cornish language, its revival and its current status}, author = {Ferdinand, Siarl}, date = {2013}, journaltitle = {e-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies}, volume = {2}, pages = {199--227}, abstract = {Despite being dormant during the nineteenth century, the Cornish language has been recently recognised by the British Government as a living regional language after a long period of revival. The first part of this paper discusses the history of traditional Cornish and the reasons for its decline and dismissal. The second part offers an overview of the revival movement since its beginnings in 1904 and analyses the current situation of the language in all possible domains.}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\ferdinand 2013.pdf} } @book{Gendall1972, title = {Kernewek bew}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1972}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1972 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1988, title = {Laugh and learn traditional Cornish through cartoons and cassette: A new course in Cornish for the beginner}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1988}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1988a notes.rtf} } @report{Gendall1988a, title = {The Cornish language: Information sheet June 1988}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1988}, institution = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1988 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1988b, title = {Traditional Cornish: A brief expos\'e}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1988}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1988b notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1989, title = {The pronunciation of Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1989}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1989 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1990, title = {A student's dictionary of Modern Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1990}, publisher = {Cornish Language Council}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1999 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1991, title = {A student's grammar of Modern Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1991}, publisher = {Cornish Language Council}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1991 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1992, title = {An Curnoack hethow/Cornish today}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1992}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1992 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1994, title = {Review of the standardisation of orthography}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1994}, publisher = {Cornish Language Council}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1994 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1995, title = {A concise dictionary of Modern Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1995}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 1995 notes.rtf} } @book{Gendall1997a, title = {Cornish\textendash English}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1997}, volume = {1}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, maintitle = {A new practical dictionary of Modern Cornish}, volumes = {2}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish} } @book{Gendall1998c, title = {English\textendash Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {1998}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, maintitle = {A new practical dictionary of Modern Cornish}, volumes = {2}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish} } @book{Gendall2000, title = {Tavas a ragadazow: The language of my forefathers}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {2000}, publisher = {Teer ha Tavas}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 2000 notes.rtf} } @unpublished{Gendall2007c, title = {The course of true love: A view over the battlefield of revived Cornish}, author = {Gendall, Richard}, date = {2007}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\gendall 2007c.pdf} } @article{George1986, title = {How many people spoke Cornish traditionally?}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {1986}, journaltitle = {Cornish Studies}, volume = {14}, pages = {67--70}, keywords = {corn:decl,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1986a notes.rtf} } @book{George1986a, title = {The pronunciation and spelling of revived Cornish}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {1986}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1986 notes.rtf} } @article{George1992, title = {The noun suffixes {{{\emph{-ter}}}}/{{{\emph{-der}}}}, {{{\emph{-(y)ans}}}} and {{{\emph{-neth}}}} in Cornish}, author = {George, Ken}, date = {1992}, journaltitle = {\'Etudes celtiques}, volume = {29}, pages = {203--213}, issuetitle = {Actes du IXe Congr\`es international d'\'etudes celtiques, Paris, 8-12 juillet 1991. Deuxi\`eme partie : linguistique, litt\'eratures}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish} } @book{George1992b, title = {Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn: Dyllans servadow}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {1992}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1992 notes.rtf} } @book{George1993a, title = {Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn: An gerlyver meur}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {1993}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1993 notes.rtf} } @incollection{George1995, title = {Which base for revived Cornish?}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Three}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1995}, pages = {104--124}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 1995.pdf} } @book{George1996, title = {Place names in Cornwall/Henwyn tylleryow yn Kernow}, author = {George, Kenneth J. and Hodge, Pol and Holmes, Julyan and Sandercock, Graham}, date = {1996}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:pop,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george, hodge, holmes & sandercock 1996 notes.rtf} } @incollection{George2000, title = {On simplifying the lexical tagging of Cornish texts}, booktitle = {Sixth annual conference of the North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers: The information age, Celtic languages and the new millennium}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, editor = {Sutcliffe, Richard F. E. and \'O N\'eill, Gear\'oid}, date = {2000}, pages = {35--40}, publisher = {University of Limerick}, location = {Limerick}, abstract = {Work has begun on a new computer-aided analysis of the Cornish texts, using Kernewek Kemmyn as a standard comparison instead of Unified Cornish. Suffixed and mutated words need to be related to a head-word, but instead of tagging every such word, they are identified using the principles of relational data-bases; only homographs in the standard text need be tagged. Details of this labour-saving procedure are given.}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\celtmill.pdf} } @article{George2005, title = {Promoting Kernewek Kemmyn}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {2005}, journaltitle = {Agan Yeth}, volume = {4}, pages = {19--34}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\agan yeth 4.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 2005 notes.rtf} } @unpublished{George2007, title = {The basis of Kernewek Kemmyn}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {2007}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 2007.pdf} } @book{George2009, title = {An gerlyver meur}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, date = {2009}, edition = {2nd edition}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 2009 notes.rtf} } @incollection{George2010, title = {Cornish}, booktitle = {The Celtic languages}, author = {George, Kenneth J.}, editor = {Ball, Michael J. and M\"uller, N.}, date = {2010}, pages = {488--535}, publisher = {Routledge}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george 2010.pdf} } @incollection{George2010a, title = {The revived languages: Cornish and Manx}, booktitle = {The Celtic languages}, author = {George, Kenneth J. and Broderick, George}, editor = {Ball, Michael J. and M\"uller, N.}, date = {2010}, pages = {753--769}, publisher = {Routledge}, location = {London}, abstract = {Cornish is a remarkable language in that, after being moribund throughout the nineteenth century, it has been revived, and is now spoken by a growing band of enthusiasts. Many academic linguists have hitherto ignored Revived Cornish, because being in the business of comparative philology, they are interested only in the traditional language. Some (for example Wakelin 1975; Price 1984) have adopted an unnecessarily scornful attitude: a few, notably the late Professor L\'eon Fleuriot, have supported the language movement and actually tried to converse in Cornish. For the sociolinguists, however, Revived Cornish is of great interest (MacKinnon 2000; Wimmer 2006).}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish,manx}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\george & broderick 2010.pdf} } @book{Goarzin2013, title = {Bretagne/Cornouailles (britanniques) : Quelles relations ?}, editor = {Goarzin, Anne and Le Disez, Jean-Yves}, date = {2013}, publisher = {Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique}, location = {Brest}, keywords = {breton,corn:bret,cornish} } @incollection{Grant1998, title = {Defending Kernewek Kemmyn}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Six}, author = {Grant, Anthony P.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1998}, pages = {194--199}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\grant 1998 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Hale1997, title = {Genesis of the Celto-Cornish revival? L. C. Duncombe-Jewell and the Cowethas Kelto-Kernuak}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Five}, author = {Hale, Amy}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1997}, pages = {100--111}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hale 1997 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Hale2006, title = {Selling Celtic Cornwall: Changing markets and meanings}, booktitle = {Tourism consumption and representation: Narratives of place and self}, author = {Hale, Amy}, editor = {Meethan, K. and Anderson, A. and Miles, S.}, date = {2006}, pages = {272--283}, publisher = {CABI Publishing}, location = {Wallingford}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hale 2006.pdf} } @thesis{Harasta2013, type = {phdthesis}, title = {In search of a single voice: The politics of form, use and belief in the Kernewek language}, author = {Harasta, Jesse Owen}, date = {2013}, institution = {Syracuse University}, abstract = {This dissertation is based upon fieldwork performed between 2007 and 2011 in Cornwall, a region of Southwestern Britain notable for its ambiguous ethnic identity \textendash{} caught between England and the Celtic nations \textendash{} and its unique, revived Celtic language, Kernewek. During the course of the research, work focused upon the role of the language revival movement as a tool for ethnic identification: hardening boundaries, shoring up faltering communities and nationalist purification. However, the language movement is divided into three primary factions, which take differing approaches to the language, and to their corresponding language ideology based upon their relationship to Cornish identity. These relationships are based upon speakers' sense of ethnic self as formed through class, kinship, linguistic self-perception, religious and political affiliations and place of birth and childhood. However, since the 2006 recognition of the language by the British states, all of these debates have become intensified due to pressure to standardize. This study examines specific examples including: teaching materials and pedagogical approaches in the language, debates over the minutiae of spelling, aesthetic sensibilities, and practices of the naming and renaming of people and places.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\harasta 2013.pdf} } @article{Harley2015, title = {Cornwall to greet visitors in Cornish in language revival bid}, author = {Harley, N.}, date = {2015-11-05}, journaltitle = {The Telegraph}, entrysubtype = {newspaper}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @book{Havinden1991, title = {Centre and periphery: Brittany and Cornwall \& Devon compared}, editor = {Havinden, M. A. and Qu\'eniart, J. and Stanyer, J.}, date = {1991}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {breton,corn:bret,cornish} } @incollection{Hayward2009, title = {Jynweythek ylow Kernow: Cornish techno music}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seventeen}, author = {Hayward, P.}, editor = {Payton, Philip and Trower, S.}, date = {2009}, pages = {173--186}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:nonling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hayward 2009 notes.rtf} } @book{Hicks2005, title = {Cornish: Language and legislation}, author = {Hicks, Davyth A.}, date = {2005}, publisher = {CIEMEN}, location = {Barcelona}, abstract = {Kernewek (Cornish) is a P-Celtic language in the same sub-group as Breton and Welsh. It is spoken in Cornwall where there are an estimated 3,500 semi-speakers but only around 400 completely fluent speakers. After flourishing in the middle ages it went into a quite sharp decline in the early modern period following a series of unsuccessful uprisings against the centralising English state under whose rule Cornwall had come under. During the 19th century Cornish appears to have fallen out of use as a spoken language by any community in Cornwall, and intergenerational transmission also appears to have broken down. However, this is counterbalanced by evidence of individual speakers such as John Davey of Zennor, who died in 1890. Earlier, scholars in the 17th and 18th century noticed the decline in usage and the language began to be studied and data collected. In the late 19th century and early 20th century the language was revived and by the 1950s some inter-generational transmission was re-introduced. Cornish received official recognition from the UK state in 2002 with inclusion onto the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages at the Part II level. In 2005 Cornish was given funds from the British government for further development to be matched with Objective 1 funding from Europe. It is hoped that steps will now be taken to put the language on a firm footing, to increase the number of speakers, to increase the rate of inter generational transmission, to create Cornish-medium education and to see its increased usage in all linguistic domains. This paper will examine the history of the language its relationship with the emerging English then British state, its decline and revival and the effect of legislation on its regeneration.}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hicks 2005.pdf} } @article{Hodge2005, title = {Spelling}, author = {Hodge, Pol}, date = {2005}, journaltitle = {Agan Yeth}, volume = {4}, pages = {4--18}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\agan yeth 4.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\hodge 2005 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Holmes2003, title = {On the track of Cornish in a bilingual country}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Eleven}, author = {Holmes, Julyan}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2003}, pages = {270--290}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:decl,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\holmes 2003 notes.rtf} } @article{Holmes2005, title = {Kernewek/Kernuak: Writing down Cornish}, author = {Holmes, Julyan}, date = {2005}, journaltitle = {Agan Yeth}, volume = {4}, pages = {35--42}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\agan yeth 4.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\holmes 2005 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Hupel2013, title = {Passion et resurrection du cornique : Lectures bretonnes}, booktitle = {Bretagne/Cornouailles (britanniques) : Quelles relations ?}, author = {Hupel, Erwan}, editor = {Goarzin, Anne and Le Disez, Jean-Yves}, date = {2013}, pages = {35--50}, publisher = {Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique}, location = {Brest}, keywords = {breton,corn:bret,cornish} } @article{Husk2012a, title = {The legitimation of ethnicity: The case of the Cornish}, author = {Husk, Kerryn and Williams, Malcolm}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {249--267}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\husk & williams 2012.pdf} } @book{Hut2001a, title = {Cornish: The Cornish language in education in the UK}, author = {Hut, F.}, date = {2001}, publisher = {Mercator}, location = {Leeuwarden}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @incollection{Insley2020, title = {Languages of boundaries and boundaries of language in Cornish charters}, booktitle = {The languages of early medieval charters}, author = {Insley, Charles}, editor = {Gallagher, Robert and Roberts, Edward and Tinti, Francesca}, date = {2020}, pages = {342--377}, publisher = {Brill}, location = {Leiden} } @book{Jago1887, title = {An English-Cornish dictionary}, author = {Jago, Frederick W. P.}, date = {1887}, publisher = {Simpkin, Marshall and Co.}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:altmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jago 1887 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jago-1887.pdf} } @article{Jenner1877, title = {The history and literature of the ancient Cornish language}, author = {Jenner, Henry}, date = {1877}, journaltitle = {Journal of the British Archaeological Association}, volume = {33}, pages = {137--157}, keywords = {corn:mc,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jenner 1877.pdf} } @book{Jenner1904, title = {A handbook of the Cornish language: Chiefly in its latest stages with some account of its history and literature}, author = {Jenner, Henry}, date = {1904}, publisher = {David Nutt}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:altmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\jenner-1904.pdf} } @incollection{Kennedy1996a, title = {{{{\emph{Cornish today}}}}: A Modern Cornish perspective}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Four}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1996}, pages = {171--181}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish} } @book{Kennedy1997, title = {Deskans noze: A Cornish course for beginners}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, date = {1997}, publisher = {An Garrack}, location = {Mabe}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\kennedy 1997 notes.rtf} } @article{Kennedy1998, title = {Disneyfication of Cornwall: Developing a Poldark heritage complex}, author = {Kennedy, Neil and Kingcome, Nigel}, date = {1998}, journaltitle = {International Journal of Heritage Studies}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {45--59}, abstract = {Cornwall has undergone rapid change. Traumatic economic crises, from the 1860s to the present agony over South Crofty, the last Cornish mine, have challenged the industrial basis of identity, and over-fishing has seen the near disappearance of fishing communities. Mass tourism and commodified heritage dominate the scene, if not the economy, and thousands of new residents have been drawn there by this imagery. Cornwall and its people are imagined and represented in bewilderingly diverse ways, from within and without, by native commentators and participants, outside journalists and visitors, artists, writers, film-makers, holiday promoters and diverse others. Nineteenth-century narratives of industry, technical achievement and diaspora clash with romantic images of antiquity, Celtic myth and superstition, backwardness, rustication, changelessness and insularity. Images of golden beaches, semi-tropical gardens and picturesque fishing ports take precedence over those of industrial decline and economic despair.}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\kennedy & kingcome 1998.pdf} } @incollection{Kennedy2000, title = {Imagination in the teaching of Cornish}, booktitle = {Sixth annual conference of the North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers: The information age, Celtic languages and the new millennium}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, editor = {Sutcliffe, Richard F. E. and \'O N\'eill, Gear\'oid}, date = {2000}, pages = {63--69}, publisher = {University of Limerick}, location = {Limerick}, abstract = {The teaching of Cornish to adults is becoming more professional as student numbers grow, but much depends on amateur activity. This article warns against over-reliance on the established technical-rationality of language teaching and calls for imaginative responses which acknowledge tacit understanding, indeterminacy and the importance of professional artistry. It also calls for an appeal to the aesthetic qualities of Cornish, rather than a vain quest for functional motives or calls to nationalistic duty.}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\celtmill.pdf} } @incollection{Kennedy2001a, title = {{{{\emph{Gerlyver Sawsnek-Kernowek}}}} (review article)}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nine}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2001}, pages = {312--318}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @incollection{Kennedy2002, title = {Fatel era ny a keel? Revived Cornish: Taking stock}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Ten}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2002}, pages = {283--302}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\kennedy 2002 notes.rtf} } @unpublished{Kennedy2005a, title = {Verbal hygiene and purism}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, date = {2005}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\kennedy 2005 notes.rtf} } @unpublished{Kennedy2008, title = {Living with the SWF}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, date = {2008}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @incollection{Kennedy2013, title = {Yn sol, Bretonyon oll! Cornwall's turn to Brittany}, booktitle = {Bretagne/Cornouailles (britanniques) : Quelles relations ?}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, editor = {Goarzin, Anne and Le Disez, Jean-Yves}, date = {2013}, pages = {67--82}, publisher = {Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique}, location = {Brest}, keywords = {breton,corn:bret,cornish} } @thesis{Kennedy2013a, type = {phdthesis}, title = {Employing Cornish cultures for community resilience}, author = {Kennedy, Neil}, date = {2013}, institution = {University of Exeter}, abstract = {Can cultural distinctiveness be used to strengthen community bonds, boost morale and equip and motivate people socially and economically? Using the witness of people in Cornwall and comparative experiences, this discussion combines a review of how cultures are commodified and portrayed with reflections on well-being and ``emotional prosperity''. Cornwall is a relatively poor European region with a cultural identity that inspires an established ethno-cultural movement and is the symbolic basis of community awareness and aspiration, as well as the subject of contested identities and representations. At the heart of this is an array of cultures that is identified as Cornish, including a distinct post-industrial inheritance, the Cornish Language and Celtic Revivalism. Cultural difference has long been a resource for cultural industries and tourism and discussion of using culture for regeneration has accordingly concentrated almost exclusively on these sectors but an emergent ``regional distinctiveness agenda'' is beginning to present Cornish cultures as an asset for use in branding and marketing other sectors. All of these uses ultimately involve commodification but culture potentially has a far wider role to play in fostering economic, social, cultural and environmental resilience. This research therefore uses multidisciplinary approaches to broaden the discussion to include culture's primary emotional and social uses. It explores the possibility that enhancing these uses could help to tackle economic and social disadvantage and to build more cohesive communities. The discussion centres on four linked themes: multiple forms of capital; discourse, narrative and myth; human need, emotion and well-being; representation and intervention. Cultural, social, symbolic and human capital are related to collective status and well-being through consideration of cultural practices, repertoires and knowledge. These are explored with discussion of accompanying representations and discourses and their social, emotional and economic implications so as to allow tentative suggestions for intervention in policy and representation. A key conclusion is that culture may be used proactively to increase ``emotional capital''.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\kennedy 2013.pdf} } @article{Knight2014a, title = {``I don't think I'm old enough for `Old Cornwall', am I?''}, author = {Knight, Terry}, date = {2014}, journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, volume = {14}, pages = {1--3}, keywords = {corn:nonling} } @book{Lach-Szyrma2008, title = {Relics of the Cornish language}, author = {Lach-Szyrma, Wladislaw Somerville and Borlase, William C. and Rundle, S.}, date = {2008}, origdate = {1889}, edition = {reprint}, publisher = {Oakmagic Publications}, location = {Norwich}, keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } @report{Lobb2004, title = {Strategy for the Cornish language}, author = {Lobb, John and Ansell, George}, date = {2004}, url = {http://www.linguae-celticae.org/Cornish_Language_Strategy.pdf}, urldate = {2015-11-26}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish} } @unpublished{Lowe2005, title = {Towards a Cornish future: Report on a conference held at Tremough, Penryn, September 17th, 2005}, author = {Lowe, Jenefer}, date = {2005}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @unpublished{Lyon1985, title = {Towards an authentic Cornish}, author = {Lyon, Rod}, date = {1985}, keywords = {corn:orth1,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\lyon 1985 notes.rtf} } @unpublished{Lyon1990, title = {Let's learn Cornish/Gero nye deske Curnoack}, author = {Lyon, Rod}, date = {1990~}, keywords = {corn:rlcmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\lyon c 1990 notes.rtf} } @book{Lyon2019a, title = {Colloquial doesn't mean corrupt: Observations on contemporary revived Cornish}, author = {Lyon, Rod}, date = {2019}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Dundee}, keywords = {corn:orth3} } @report{MacKinnon2000, title = {Cornish at its millennium: An independent study of the language}, author = {MacKinnon, Kenneth}, date = {2000}, institution = {SGR\`UD Research}, location = {Dingwall}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mackinnon 2000 version 1.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mackinnon 2000 version 2.pdf} } @incollection{MacKinnon2004, title = {``As Cornish as possible'' \textendash{} ``Not an outcast anymore'' \textendash{} Speakers' and learners' opinions on Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seven}, author = {MacKinnon, Kenneth}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2004}, pages = {268--287}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mackinnon 2003.pdf} } @online{MAGAKernow2018, title = {Hwedhel Henry Jenner}, author = {{MAGA Kernow}}, date = {2018}, url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZWfPD1fJrQ}, urldate = {2018-09-02}, organization = {YouTube}, keywords = {corn:factrev} } @incollection{Mills1999, title = {Reconstructive phonology and contrastive lexicology: Problems with the {{{\emph{Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn}}}}}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Seven}, author = {Mills, Jon}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1999}, pages = {193--218}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth2} } @article{Mills1999b, title = {Cornish lexicography in the twentieth century: Standardisation and divergence}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {1999}, journaltitle = {Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliqu\'ee}, volume = {69}, number = {1}, pages = {45--57}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 1999a.pdf} } @inproceedings{Mills2000, title = {Linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism: Idiom in 20th century Cornish}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {2000}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, annotation = {Published: Paper presented at New Directions in Celtic Studies conference, Newquay, November}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 2000.pdf} } @thesis{Mills2002, type = {phdthesis}, title = {Computer-assisted lemmatisation of a Cornish text corpus for lexicographical purposes}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {2002}, institution = {University of Exeter}, abstract = {This project sets out to discover and develop techniques for the lemmatisation of a historical corpus of the Cornish language in order that a lemmatised dictionary macrostructure can be generated from the corpus. The system should be capable of uniquely identifying every lexical item that is attested in the corpus. A survey of published and unpublished Cornish dictionaries, glossaries and lexicographical notes was carried out. A corpus was compiled incorporating specially prepared new critical editions. An investigation into the history of Cornish lemmatisation was undertaken. A systemic description of Cornish inflection was written. Three methods of corpus lemmatisation were trialed. Findings were as follows. Lexicographical history shapes current Cornish lexicographical practice. Lexicon based tokenisation has advantages over character based tokenisation. System networks provide the means to generate base forms from attested word types. Grammatical difference is the most reliable way of disambiguating homographs. A lemma that contains three fields, the canonical form, the part-of-speech and a semantic field label, provides of a unique code for every lexeme attested in the corpus. Programs which involve human interaction during the lemmatisation process allow bootstrapping of the lemmatisation database. Computerised morphological processing may be used at least to partially create the lemmatisation database. Disambiguation of at least some of the most common homographs may be automated by the use of computer programs.}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 2002.pdf} } @incollection{Mills2010, title = {Genocide and ethnocide: The suppression of the Cornish language}, booktitle = {Interfaces in language}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {2010}, pages = {189--206}, publisher = {Cambridge Scholars Publishing}, location = {Newcastle}, keywords = {corn:decl,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 2010.pdf} } @article{Mills2013b, title = {The {{{\emph{Vocabularium Cornicum}}}}: A Cornish vocabulary?}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {2013}, journaltitle = {Zeitschrift f\"ur celtische Philologie}, volume = {60}, pages = {141--149}, keywords = {corn:oc} } @incollection{Mills2015, title = {A short history of Cornish lexicography}, booktitle = {Words and dictionaries: A festschrift for Professor Stanis\l aw Stachowski on the occasion of his 85th birthday}, author = {Mills, Jon}, editor = {Ma\'nczak-Wohlfeld, El\.zbieta and Podolak, Barbara}, date = {2015}, pages = {205--213}, publisher = {Jagiellonian University Press}, location = {Krak\'ow}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mills 2015a.pdf} } @inproceedings{Mills2015a, title = {Etymology and the relexification of Cornish in the twentieth century}, author = {Mills, Jon}, date = {2015-11-07}, location = {Taylor Institution, Oxford}, url = {https://youtube.com/watch?v=pOiwUqHeWE}, urldate = {2016-02-02}, eventtitle = {Etymological thinking in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish} } @book{Miners1978, title = {Gorseth Kernow: The first 50 years}, author = {Miners, Hugh}, date = {1978}, publisher = {Gorseth Kernow}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\miners 1978 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Mitchell1998, title = {The myth of objectivity: The Cornish language and the eighteenth-century antiquaries}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Six}, author = {Mitchell, E.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1998}, pages = {62--80}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\mitchell 1998 notes.rtf} } @book{Murdoch1993, title = {Cornish literature}, author = {Murdoch, Brian}, date = {1993}, publisher = {D. S. Brewer}, location = {Cambridge}, keywords = {corn:mc} } @book{Nance1920, title = {Folk-lore recorded in the Cornish language}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, date = {1920~}, keywords = {corn:lc,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\nance c 1920.pdf} } @article{Nance1926, title = {A Cornish letter, 1711}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, date = {1926}, journaltitle = {Old Cornwall}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {23--25}, keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } @book{Nance1929, title = {Cornish for all}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, date = {1929}, publisher = {Federation of Old Cornwall Societies}, location = {St Ives}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\nance 1929 notes.rtf} } @book{Nance1949, title = {Cornish for all}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, date = {1949}, edition = {Revised edition}, publisher = {Federation of Old Cornwall Societies}, location = {St Ives}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish} } @book{Nance1952, title = {An English-Cornish dictionary}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, date = {1952}, publisher = {Federation of Old Cornwall Societies}, location = {Marazion}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\nance 1952 notes.rtf} } @book{Nance1955, title = {A Cornish-English dictionary}, author = {Nance, Robert Morton}, date = {1955}, publisher = {Federation of Old Cornwall Societies}, location = {Marazion}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\nance 1955 notes.rtf} } @book{Norris1859a, title = {The ancient Cornish drama}, editor = {Norris, Edwin}, date = {1859}, volume = {1}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, location = {Oxford}, keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } @book{Padel1975a, title = {The Cornish writings of the Boson family}, author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, date = {1975}, publisher = {Institute of Cornish Studies}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:lc,cornish} } @article{Padel2017, title = {Where was Middle Cornish spoken?}, author = {Padel, Oliver J.}, date = {2017}, journaltitle = {Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies}, volume = {74}, pages = {1--31}, keywords = {corn:decl,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\padel 2017.pdf} } @book{Page2011, title = {Cornish grammar: Intermediate}, author = {Page, John}, date = {2011}, edition = {6th (SWF) edition}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} } @book{Parker2009, title = {Keskowsow istorek ha Keskowsow}, author = {Parker, John}, date = {2009}, publisher = {Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} } @unpublished{Parkinson2006, title = {What form of Cornish?}, author = {Parkinson, C.}, date = {2006}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\parkinson 2006 notes.rtf} } @article{Parry1946, title = {The revival of Cornish: An dasserghyans Kernewek}, author = {Parry, J. J.}, date = {1946}, journaltitle = {Publications of the Modern Language Association of America}, volume = {61}, number = {1}, pages = {258--268}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\parry 1946.pdf} } @book{Payton1993, title = {Cornwall since the war}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1993}, publisher = {Institute of Cornish Studies}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:nonling} } @incollection{Payton1993d, title = {The ideology of language revival}, booktitle = {Cornwall since the war}, author = {Payton, Philip and Deacon, Bernard}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1993}, pages = {271--290}, publisher = {Institute of Cornish Studies}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish} } @incollection{Payton1997, title = {Identity, ideology and language in modern Cornwall}, booktitle = {The Celtic Englishes III}, author = {Payton, Philip}, editor = {Tristram, Hildegard L. C.}, date = {1997}, pages = {100--122}, publisher = {Universit\"atsverlag Winter}, location = {Heidelberg}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\payton 1997 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Payton1999, title = {The ideology of language revival in modern Cornwall}, booktitle = {Language, literature, history, culture}, author = {Payton, Philip}, editor = {Black, R. and Gillies, William and \'O Maolalaigh, R.}, date = {1999}, series = {Celtic connections: Proceedings of the tenth international congress of Celtic studies}, volume = {1}, pages = {395--424}, publisher = {Tuckwell Press}, location = {East Linton}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\payton 1999 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\payton 1999.pdf} } @book{Payton2000, title = {Cornwall for ever!/Kernow bys vyken!}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2000}, publisher = {Cornwall Heritage Trust}, location = {Truro}, keywords = {corn:nonling} } @incollection{Payton2000a, ids = {Payton2000b}, title = {Cornish}, booktitle = {Languages in Britain and Ireland}, author = {Payton, Philip}, editor = {Price, Glanville}, date = {2000}, pages = {109--119}, publisher = {Blackwell}, location = {Oxford}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\payton 2000 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Penglase1997, title = {Authenticity in the revival of Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Two}, author = {Penglase, Charles}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1997}, pages = {96--107}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\penglase 1997 notes.rtf} } @book{Pool1970, title = {Cornish for beginners}, author = {Pool, Peter A. S.}, date = {1970}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\pool 1970 notes.rtf} } @article{Pool1975, title = {William Bodinar's letter, 1776}, author = {Pool, P. A. S. and Padel, Oliver J.}, date = {1975-06}, journaltitle = {Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall}, volume = {New Series 7}, number = {3}, pages = {231--236}, keywords = {corn:lc,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\Bodinar.png} } @article{Pool1991, title = {Mordon remembered}, author = {Pool, Peter A. S.}, date = {1991}, journaltitle = {An Baner Kernewek}, volume = {64}, pages = {10--11}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\pool 1991 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Price1998a, title = {Modern Cornish in context}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Six}, author = {Price, Glanville}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1998}, pages = {187--193}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\price 1998 notes.rtf} } @book{Prys2011, title = {Bora brav: Kernewek Kemmyn version}, author = {Prys, Polin}, date = {2011}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish} } @book{Prys2011a, title = {Bora brav: Standard Written Form version}, author = {Prys, Polin}, date = {2011}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:swfmat,cornish} } @incollection{Prys2020, title = {Adapting a Welsh terminology tool to develop a Cornish dictionary}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint SLTU and CCURL Workshop (SLTU-CCURL 2020)}, author = {Prys, Delyth}, editor = {Beermann, Dorothee and Besacier, Laurent and Sakti, Sakriani and Soria, Claudia}, date = {2020}, pages = {235--239}, publisher = {European Language Resources Association}, location = {Luxembourg}, abstract = {Cornish and Welsh are closely related Celtic languages and this paper provides a brief description of a recent project to publish an online bilingual English/Cornish dictionary, the Gerlyver Kernewek, based on similar work previously undertaken for Welsh. Both languages are endangered, Cornish critically so, but both can benefit from the use of language technology. Welsh has previous experience of using language technologies for language revitalization, and this is now being used to help the Cornish language create new tools and resources, including lexicographical ones, helping a dispersed team of language specialists and editors, many of them in a voluntary capacity, to work collaboratively online. Details are given of the Maes T dictionary writing and publication platform, originally developed for Welsh, and of some of the adaptations that had to be made to accommodate the specific needs of Cornish, including their use of Middle and Late varieties due to its development as a revived language.}, keywords = {corn:tech,cornish,welsh}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\prys-2020.pdf} } @book{PublicFoundationforEuropeanComparativeMinorityResearch2006, title = {Cornish in the United Kingdom: Through the lenses of the European Charter for Minority Languages}, author = {{Public Foundation for European Comparative Minority Research}}, date = {2006}, publisher = {Council of Europe}, location = {Strasbourg}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\pfecmr 2006.pdf} } @report{Read2014, title = {Why should the Cornish be recognised as a national minority within the UK?}, author = {Read, D.}, date = {2014}, institution = {Cornwall Council}, location = {Truro}, url = {https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/media/7326793/FINAL-Cornish-Minority-Report-2014-pr7.pdf}, urldate = {2015-10-08}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\read 2014.pdf} } @article{Renko-Michelsen2013, title = {Language death and revival: Cornish as a minority language in UK}, author = {Renk\'o-Michels\'en, Zsuzsanna}, date = {2013}, journaltitle = {Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics}, volume = {4}, number = {2}, pages = {179--197}, abstract = {The paper introduces the worldwide phenomenon of language death, and briefly elaborates on the arguments for saving endangered languages. The main focus of the paper is revived Cornish. Cornish is a Celtic language that was spoken in Cornwall, UK between the 7th and 16th century. Due to Anglicisation, it became gradually endangered and finally died out as a community language during the 18th century. The revival of Cornish started with the publication of Henry Jenner's Handbook of the Cornish Language in 1904. Today Cornish is recognised by UNESCO as a ``critically endangered'' language. The paper presents an analysis of revived Cornish along Fishman's Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (GIDS).}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\renko-michelsen 2013.pdf} } @unpublished{Rule2007, title = {Response to the report of the commission}, author = {Rule, Laurence}, date = {2007}, keywords = {corn:orth3} } @unpublished{Saltern2011, title = {Cornish national minority report 2}, author = {Saltern, Ian}, date = {2011}, url = {http://celticcouncil.org.au/cornish/nsw/merlib/Cornish_Minority_Report_Two.pdf}, urldate = {2015-10-08}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\saltern 2011.pdf} } @article{Sandercock1989, title = {Kernewek Unys}, author = {Sandercock, Graham}, date = {1989}, journaltitle = {An Gannas}, volume = {151}, pages = {1}, keywords = {corn:orth1,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\sandercock 1989.rtf} } @book{Sandercock2001, title = {Cornish for beginners}, author = {Sandercock, Graham}, date = {2001}, publisher = {Cornish Language Board}, location = {Penzance}, keywords = {corn:kkmat,cornish} } @article{Saunders1976, title = {Why I write in Cornish}, author = {Saunders, Tim}, date = {1976}, journaltitle = {Planet}, volume = {30}, pages = {29--33}, keywords = {corn:orth1,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\saunders 1976.pdf} } @book{Saunders1979, title = {Dalleth C\`ern\`yweg: Cynza c\`yvres}, author = {Saunders, Tim}, date = {1979}, publisher = {An Weryn}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:altmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\saunders 1979 notes.rtf} } @book{Saunders1999, title = {The wheel: An anthology of modern poetry in Cornish 1850\textendash 1980}, editor = {Saunders, Tim}, date = {1999}, publisher = {Francis Boutle Publishers}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:revc} } @book{Saunders2006, title = {Nothing broken: Recent poetry in Cornish}, editor = {Saunders, Tim}, date = {2006}, publisher = {Francis Boutle Publishers}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:revc,cornish} } @thesis{Sayers2009, type = {phdthesis}, title = {Reversing Babel: Declining linguistic diversity and the flawed attempts to protect it}, author = {Sayers, Dave}, date = {2009}, institution = {University of Essex}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish,english,welsh}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\sayers 2009.pdf} } @article{Sayers2012, title = {Standardising Cornish: The politics of a new minority language}, author = {Sayers, Dave}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Language Problems and Language Planning}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {99--119}, abstract = {The last recorded native speaker of the Cornish language died in 1777. Since the nineteenth century, amateur scholars have made separate attempts to reconstruct its written remains, each creating a different orthography. Later, following recognition under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages in 2002, Cornish gained new status. However, with government support came the governmental framework of ``New Public Management'', which emphasises quantifiable outcomes to measure performance. This built implicit pressure towards finding a single standard orthography, for greatest efficiency. There followed a six-year debate among supporters of the different orthographies, usually quite heated, about which should prevail. This debate exemplified the importance of standardisation for minority languages, but its ultimate conclusion saw all sides giving way, and expediency, not ideology, prevailing. It also showed that standardisation was not imposed explicitly within language policy, but emerged during the language planning process.}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\sayers 2012.pdf} } @article{Sayers2015, title = {Phoenix from the ashes: Reconstructed Cornish in relation to Einar Haugen's four-step model of language standardisation}, author = {Sayers, Dave and Renk\'o-Michels\'en, Zsuzsanna}, date = {2015}, journaltitle = {Sociolinguistica}, volume = {29}, pages = {17--37}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\sayers & renko-michelsen 2015.pdf} } @report{Sayers2019, title = {The Cornish language in education in the UK}, author = {Sayers, Dave and Davies-Deacon, Merryn and Croome, Sarah}, date = {2019}, series = {Mercator Regional Dossiers}, institution = {Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning}, location = {Leeuwarden}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\sayers davies-deacon & croome 2019.pdf} } @article{Shield1984, ids = {Shield1984a}, title = {Unified Cornish \textendash{} fiction or fact? An examination of the death and resurrection of the Cornish language}, author = {Shield, Lesley E.}, date = {1984}, journaltitle = {Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development}, volume = {5}, number = {3\textendash 4}, pages = {329--337}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\shield 1984.pdf} } @book{Smith1972, title = {Cornish simplified: Short lessons for self-tuition}, author = {Smith, Arthur Saxon Dennett}, date = {1972}, edition = {2nd edition}, publisher = {Dyllansow Truran}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\smith 1972 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\smith-1972.pdf} } @incollection{Smith1999, title = {An dasserghyans Kernewek}, booktitle = {The wheel: An anthology of modern poetry in Cornish 1850\textendash 1980}, author = {Smith, Arthur Saxon Dennett}, editor = {Saunders, Tim}, date = {1999}, pages = {82--87}, publisher = {Francis Boutle Publishers}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} } @incollection{Spriggs2003, title = {Where Cornish was spoken and when: A provisional synthesis}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Eleven}, author = {Spriggs, Matthew}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2003}, pages = {228--269}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:decl,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\spriggs 2003 notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\spriggs 2003.pdf} } @article{Stokes1868, title = {A Cornish glossary}, author = {Stokes, Whitley}, date = {1868}, journaltitle = {Transactions of the Philological Society}, volume = {20}, pages = {137--250}, keywords = {corn:oc,cornish} } @article{Stoyle1999, title = {The dissidence of despair: Rebellion and identity in early modern Cornwall}, author = {Stoyle, Mark}, date = {1999}, journaltitle = {Journal of British Studies}, volume = {38}, number = {4}, pages = {423--444}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\stoyle 1999.pdf} } @article{Szczepankiewicz2014, title = {The issue of Cornish(es)}, author = {Szczepankiewicz, Piotr}, date = {2014}, journaltitle = {Zeszyty \L u\.zyckie}, volume = {48}, pages = {293--306}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\szczepankiewicz 2014.pdf} } @thesis{Szczepankiewicz2016, type = {mathesis}, title = {Language authenticity and language ownership in the case of Cornish}, author = {Szczepankiewicz, Piotr}, date = {2016}, institution = {Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu}, abstract = {The M.A. dissertation ``Language authenticity and language ownership in the case of Cornish'' aims to analyse the perceived sense of language authenticity and language ownership in three main varieties of Revived Cornish: Kernewek Kemmyn, Kernowek Standard and the Standard Written Form and determine the degree to which these concepts are similar or dissimilar among the proponents of the given Cornish language varieties. Compatibility or lack of it might inform the potential spelling debate in the future of the Cornish language movement and, perhaps, contribute to making it a more calmed and level-headed phenomenon. The dissertation is divided into three chapters: Background Information, Methodology and the analytical Discourses of Authenticity and Ownership. Background information provides information on the history of the Cornish language. Chapter 1 discusses the external history of Cornwall and its people as well as the corpus of traditional Cornish. The dissertation describes the decline of the language following English economic domination as well as military conflicts such as the An Gof rebellion or the Prayer Book Rebellion which took a heavy toll on the numbers of Cornish-speaking populace. With the demographic, economic and symbolic decline of Cornish, it entered the phase of language death. A brief discussion of the last speakers of Cornish is followed by an account of the language's revitalization attempts starting in 1904. The development of the movement is accounted for with names, dates and titles of important works enumerated. Finally, the period of the Cornish Spelling Wars is discussed as well as the reconciliatory Standard Written Form process which was only possible thanks to the ratification of the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages. Chapter 2 explains and elaborates on the methodology of the analysis. Terms such as neo-speaker, authenticity and language ownership are discussed and a framework is provided for the analysis of message board posts from the cornwall24.co.uk forum written between 2005 and 2015. Neo-speakers exist in the context of minority language revitalization and revival, in which adults decide to learn a given language by means of attending classes, immersion courses or self-teaching via educational materials. This is exactly the situation in which an overwhelming majority of Cornish users find themselves it. Language authenticity and ownership are concepts originated in the romantic notions of one state = one nation = one language and are connected to the idea of a native speaker. Given the death of the Cornish languages, there no longer exists a model to which new generations of neo-speakers could aspire to and, hence, authenticity is given to reconstructed language varieties. Their authenticity can be examined through analysing five qualities: ontology, historicity, systemic coherence, consensus and value which is connected to the notion of language ownership. Further on, in Chapter 3, the author discusses the data collected on the message board, the rationale for the choice of this kind of medium as well as its shortcomings. An example detailed analysis of two forum posts is provided and, then, a general analysis of each variety's authenticity is given. In the end, conclusions are drawn on the current state of the Cornish language and the possible outcomes of the present political climate in the United Kingdom. Recommendations for further research are also given.}, keywords = {corn:critrev2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\szczepankiewicz 2016.pdf} } @unpublished{Tabb2005, title = {Thoughts on the future of Cornish}, author = {Tabb, Ashby}, date = {2005}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\tabb 2005 notes.rtf} } @book{TeerehaTavaz1987a, title = {Kernow bez viken: `Cornwall for ever', a book of Cornish words and phrases}, author = {{Teere ha Tavaz}}, date = {1987}, publisher = {Teere ha Tavaz}, location = {Menheniot}, keywords = {corn:pop,cornish} } @book{Thomas1973, title = {The importance of being Cornish in Cornwall}, author = {Thomas, Charles}, date = {1973}, publisher = {Institute of Cornish Studies}, location = {Redruth}, keywords = {corn:nonling}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\thomas 1973 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Thomas1992, title = {The Cornish language}, booktitle = {The Celtic languages}, author = {Thomas, A. R.}, editor = {MacAulay, Donald}, date = {1992}, pages = {346--370}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {Cambridge}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\thomas 1992a notes.rtf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\thomas 1992a.pdf} } @book{Thomas2007, title = {Bewnans Ke: The life of St Kea}, editor = {Thomas, Graham and Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {2007}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } @incollection{Tregidga2013, title = {Celtic comparisons: Brittany and the revivalist movement in Cornwall}, booktitle = {Bretagne/Cornouailles (britanniques) : Quelles relations ?}, author = {Tregidga, Garry}, editor = {Goarzin, Anne and Le Disez, Jean-Yves}, date = {2013}, pages = {51--66}, publisher = {Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique}, location = {Brest}, keywords = {breton,corn:bret,cornish} } @article{Tresidder2010a, title = {What no pasties!? Reading the Cornish tourism brochure}, author = {Tresidder, Richard}, date = {2010}, journaltitle = {Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing}, volume = {27}, pages = {596--611}, keywords = {corn:nonling} } @incollection{Tresidder2015, title = {Rediscovering history and the Cornish revival}, booktitle = {Policy and planning for endangered langugages}, author = {Tresidder, Michael}, editor = {Jones, Mari C.}, date = {2015}, pages = {188--204}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, location = {Cambridge}, keywords = {corn:pol,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\tresidder 2015.pdf} } @book{Wakelin1975, title = {Language and history in Cornwall}, author = {Wakelin, Martyn}, date = {1975}, publisher = {Leicester University Press}, location = {Leicester}, keywords = {corn:gen,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\wakelin 1975 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Weatherhill2007a, title = {``The best Cornish form of Cornish place-names'': Review of the Cornish Language Board's {{{\emph{Place-names in Cornwall}}}}}, booktitle = {Form and content in revived Cornish}, author = {Weatherhill, Craig}, editor = {Everson, Michael}, date = {2007}, pages = {25--56}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish} } @book{Williams1865, title = {Lexicon cornu-britannicum: A dictionary of the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall}, author = {Williams, Robert}, date = {1865}, publisher = {Trubner \& Co}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:altmat,cornish}, file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/williams-1865.pdf} } @book{Williams1995, title = {Cornish today: An examination of the revived language}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {1995}, publisher = {Kernewek dre Lyther}, location = {Sutton Coldfield}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 1995 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Williams1996, title = {``Linguistically sound principles'': The case against Kernewek Kemmyn}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Four}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1996}, pages = {64--87}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 1996 notes.rtf} } @book{Williams1997, title = {Clappya Kernowek: An introduction to Unified Cornish Revised}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {1997}, publisher = {Agan Tavas}, location = {Portreath}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish}, file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/williams-1997.pdf;C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 1997 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Williams1998, title = {Indirect statement in Cornish and Breton}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Six}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {1998}, pages = {172--182}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {breton,corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 1998 notes.rtf} } @incollection{Williams2001a, title = {``A modern and scholarly Cornish-English dictionary'': Ken George's {{{\emph{Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn}}}} (1993)}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Nine}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2001}, pages = {247--311}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:orth2,cornish} } @incollection{Williams2004, title = {Henry and Katharine Jenner: A chronology}, booktitle = {Henry and Katharine Jenner: A celebration of Cornwall's culture, language and identity}, author = {Williams, Derek R.}, editor = {Williams, Derek R.}, date = {2004}, pages = {27--34}, publisher = {Francis Boutle Publishers}, location = {London}, keywords = {corn:factrev,cornish} } @incollection{Williams2006, title = {\emph{I}-affection in Breton and Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Fourteen}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2006}, pages = {24--43}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {breton,corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006b notes.rtf} } @book{Williams2006a, title = {Cornish today: An examination of the revived language}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {2006}, edition = {3rd edition}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:ucmat,cornish} } @book{Williams2006c, title = {Writings on revived Cornish}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {2006}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006a notes.rtf} } @book{Williams2006d, title = {Towards authentic Cornish}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, date = {2006}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Westport}, keywords = {corn:orth3,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2006 notes.rtf} } @book{Williams2007a, title = {Bewnans Ke/The life of St Kea: A critical edition with translation}, editor = {Williams, Nicholas J. A. and Thomas, Graham}, date = {2007}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } @incollection{Williams2013, title = {Adjectival and adverbial prefixes in Cornish}, booktitle = {Cornish Studies: Twenty-one}, author = {Williams, Nicholas J. A.}, editor = {Payton, Philip}, date = {2013}, pages = {33--75}, publisher = {University of Exeter Press}, location = {Exeter}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {C\:\\Users\\3055822\\OneDrive - Queen's University Belfast\\readings\\williams 2013 notes.rtf} } @book{Williams2020, title = {The Charter Fragment and Pascon agan Arluth}, editor = {Williams, Nicolas J. A.}, date = {2020}, publisher = {Evertype}, location = {Dundee}, keywords = {corn:mc,cornish} } @book{Wmffre1998a, title = {Late Cornish}, author = {Wmffre, Iwan}, date = {1998}, series = {Languages of the World: Materials}, number = {135}, publisher = {LINCOM Europa}, location = {Munich}, keywords = {corn:tradling,cornish}, file = {/home/merryn/Documents/drive/res/readings/wmffre 1998a.pdf} }