Remove conky

trémeur 8 months ago
parent a73ef35cee
commit 40cb019b8b

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-- vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=lua
Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
Please see COPYING for details
Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
conky.config = {
alignment = 'top_right',
background = false,
border_width = 7,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
default_color = 'black',
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = true,
draw_outline = false,
draw_shades = false,
double_buffer = true,
use_xft = true,
font = 'Noto Sans:size=9:style=Regular',
gap_x = 30,
gap_y = 25,
minimum_width = 5,
net_avg_samples = 2,
no_buffers = true,
out_to_console = false,
out_to_stderr = false,
extra_newline = false,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_type = 'normal',
own_window_transparent = false,
own_window_argb_visual = false,
own_window_colour = 'white',
stippled_borders = 0,
update_interval = 1.0,
uppercase = false,
use_spacer = 'none',
show_graph_scale = false,
show_graph_range = false,
use_xft = true,
conky.text = [[
# ${font Noto Sans:size=9:bold}Sync
# ${font Noto Sans:size=9:regular}${exec command insync get_sync_progress}
# $hr insync very stupidly got rid of this feature in version 3
${font Noto Sans:size=9:style=Bold}Agenda
${font Noto Mono:size=9:style=Regular}${exec command ~/.linux/scripts/}
${font Noto Sans:size=9:style=Bold}Music
${font Noto Sans CJK JP:size=9:style=Regular}${exec command ~/.linux/scripts/}
${execbar command ~/.linux/scripts/}

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ cdls(){
# Troubleshooting
alias rp="killall plank && nohup plank &"
alias rck="killall conky && nohup conky &"
alias rsw="nmcli radio wifi off && nmcli radio wifi on"

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ redshift &
plank &
pnmixer &
tint2 &
conky -p 30 &
insync start

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# from
## Gets current track time for a bar in Conky.
## Usage: Put ${execbar /path/to/script} in your .conkyrc.
## It might be useful to use ${goto x} or ${voffset x} to adjust position, and ${color #xxxxxx} for color.
## The 'default_bar_size x y' option can be used before the TEXT section in your .conkyrc to adjust height and width.
## Requires 'bc' for calculating percentage.
if cmus-remote -Q &>/dev/null ; then
DUR=$( cmus-remote -Q | grep "duration" | cut -c10- )
POS=$( cmus-remote -Q | grep "position" | cut -c10- )
echo "($POS/$DUR)*100" | bc -l

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
ARTIST=$( cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null | grep "tag artist " | cut -d " " -f 3- )
TITLE=$( cmus-remote -Q 2>/dev/null | grep "tag title" | cut -d " " -f 3- )
SPOTIFY_PID="$(pidof -s spotify || pidof -s .spotify-wrapped)"
if [ -z "$ARTIST" ];
if [ -z "$SPOTIFY_PID" ];
echo "Nothing playing"
if [ -z "$(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string:'Metadata'|egrep -A 2 "artist"|egrep -v "artist"|egrep -v "array"|cut -b 27-|cut -d '"' -f 1|egrep -v ^$)" ];
echo "Nothing playing"
echo "$(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string:'Metadata'|egrep -A 2 "artist"|egrep -v "artist"|egrep -v "array"|cut -b 27-|cut -d '"' -f 1|egrep -v ^$): $(dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get string:'org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player' string:'Metadata'|egrep -A 1 "title"|egrep -v "title"|cut -b 44-|cut -d '"' -f 1|egrep -v ^$)"
echo "$ARTIST: $TITLE"

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/vivaldi-browser.gpg arch=$(dpkg --print
sudo apt update
# Install things
sudo apt install abcde arc-theme biber cmus conky-all curl dh-autoreconf emacs27 evince eyed3 feh ffmpeg fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-noto fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-sil-andika fonts-sil-doulos geoclue-2.0 ghostscript gimp insync kid3-qt lame libcurl4-openssl-dev libnotify-dev libreoffice libsox-fmt-mp3 lilypond maildir-utils mu4e offlineimap openbox pandoc papirus-icon-theme plank pnmixer python2.7 python3 python3-bs4 python3-venv python3-pip redshift-gtk ruby-full sakura sox spotify-client sqlite3 suru-icon-set texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra texlive-xetex tex-gyre thunderbird timidity tint2 tree vivaldi vlc vlc-plugin-fluidsynth xcompmgr zsh
sudo apt install abcde arc-theme biber cmus curl dh-autoreconf emacs27 evince eyed3 feh ffmpeg fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-noto fonts-noto-color-emoji fonts-sil-andika fonts-sil-doulos geoclue-2.0 ghostscript gimp insync kid3-qt lame libcurl4-openssl-dev libnotify-dev libreoffice libsox-fmt-mp3 lilypond maildir-utils mu4e offlineimap openbox pandoc papirus-icon-theme plank pnmixer python2.7 python3 python3-bs4 python3-venv python3-pip redshift-gtk ruby-full sakura sox spotify-client sqlite3 suru-icon-set texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra texlive-xetex tex-gyre thunderbird timidity tint2 tree vivaldi vlc vlc-plugin-fluidsynth xcompmgr zsh
# build-essential libsox-fmt-all sox xserver-xorg-core xserver-xlib-input-synaptics zlib1g-dev zotero # not required
# python-pip # not working in focal
@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ rm -f ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini
rm -f ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
rm -f ~/.config/pnmixer/config
rm -f ~/.config/sakura/sakura.conf
rm -f ~/.conkyrc
rm -rf ~/.config/plank
rm -f ~/mail.el ~/.offlineimaprc
@ -176,7 +175,6 @@ mkdir -p ~/.config/pnmixer
ln -s ~/.linux/dots/pnmixer/config ~/.config/pnmixer
mkdir -p ~/.config/sakura
ln -s ~/.linux/dots/sakura.conf ~/.config/sakura
ln -s ~/.linux/dots/.conkyrc ~
mkdir -p ~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers
cp ~/.linux/dots/plank/items/*.dockitem ~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers/
cat ~/.linux/dots/plank/plank.ini | dconf load /net/launchpad/plank/docks/

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
emacs27 -batch -Q -l ~/.emacs.d/agenda.el -eval '(org-batch-agenda "a" org-agenda-span 1)'