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\makeoddhead{multinotitlenochapters}{\itshape Chapter~\thechapter}{}{\thepage}
\newcommand*{\titlegen}{\begingroup% Scripts, T&H p 151
{\large\itshape by \theauthor}\\[\baselineskip]
{\scshape A Shot At Life}
{\Large ``TRÉ''} \\
\rule{0.9\textwidth}{1pt} \par
{\noindent\Huge\bfseries A SHOT} \par
{\noindent\Huge\bfseries AT LIFE} \par
{\scshape a Final Fantasy X fanfiction} \par
\rule{0.9\textwidth}{1pt} \par
{\Large 2025}
{\yevon L} \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\yevon I} \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\yevon F} \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\yevon E}
{\yevon A}
Written in 2021--2025, at approximately 54.6,-5.9.
Typeset by the author in Linux Libertine, Noto Sans, and FFXYevon, using Emacs and
This work of fanfiction is licensed under \textbf{Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International}.
For chapter summaries, warnings, metadata, and additional
information, see \url{https://tre.praze.net/ffx/asal}.
{\scriptsize{\yevon Now is the time to shape your stories Your fate is in your hands}}}