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\newcommand*{\titlegen}{\begingroup% Scripts, T&H p 151
{\large\itshape by \theauthor}\\[\baselineskip]
1 year ago
7 months ago
{\Large TRÉ} \\
\rule{0.9\textwidth}{1pt} \par
{\noindent\Huge\bfseries A SHOT} \par
{\noindent\Huge\bfseries AT LIFE} \par
{\scshape a Final Fantasy X fanfiction} \par
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{\Large \the\year}
{\yevon L} \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\yevon I} \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\yevon F} \\[1.15\baselineskip]
{\yevon E}