@ -739,16 +739,6 @@ Use the superior package for viewing PDFs on the superior operating system, and
(setq pdf-view-resize-factor 1.1)))
** =rainbow-mode=
Adds visual indication of colours to CSS files.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package rainbow-mode
(css-mode . rainbow-mode))
** =recentf=
Gives me a dialog with recently opened files. Package management and =elfeed= stuff have to be manually excluded for obvious reasons. Surely I don’t have to call =add-to-list= separately every time, but I haven’t found a more sensible way of doing it.
@ -807,6 +797,25 @@ Automatically use smart quotes. (Can’t be set to =text-mode-hook=, unfortunate
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'unsmart-hook)
** =web-mode=
This is good for auto indentation, folding, killing elements, apparently XPath?? but I’ve failed to make faces work like the do in normal =html-mode=.