;; variables live here (setq dw-username "tobli") (setq dw-pin "0397") (setq dw-defaultlocation "🏠") (setq dw-iconfile "~/Documents/drive/org/iconchoose.el") (setq lastfm-login t) ;; boolean (setq lastfm-user "litrovers") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun dwexport () (let ((org-export-with-author 'nil) (org-export-with-creator 'nil) (org-export-with-date 'nil) (org-export-with-section-numbers 'nil) (org-export-time-stamp-file 'nil) (org-export-with-toc 'nil) (org-html-validation-link 'nil)) (org-html-export-to-html)) (setq oldname (concat (file-name-base) ".org")) (setq newname (concat (file-name-base) ".html")) (find-file-noselect newname) (with-current-buffer newname (goto-char (point-min)) (setq delpoint (search-forward "\n")) (delete-region (point-min) delpoint) (while (re-search-forward "<\\/html>" nil t) (replace-match "")) (write-file newname))) (defun dwdraft () (interactive) (dwexport) (with-current-buffer newname (kill-ring-save (point-min) (point-max))) (kill-buffer newname) (with-current-buffer oldname (delete-file newname))) (defun dwsecurity () (setq security (completing-read-multiple "Security (public, access, private): " '("public" "access" "private"))) (if (not security) (setq security "skip")) (if (equal security "skip") (sleep-for 0) (insert (concat "post-security: " (let* ((securityjunk (format "%S" security)) (end (- (length securityjunk) 2))) (substring securityjunk 2 end))"\n")))) (defun dwmood () (setq mood (completing-read-multiple "Mood: " '("accomplished" "aggravated" "amused" "angry" "annoyed" "anxious" "apathetic" "artistic" "awake" "bitchy" "blah" "blank" "bored" "bouncy" "busy" "calm" "cheerful" "chipper" "cold" "complacent" "confused" "contemplative" "content" "cranky" "crappy" "crazy" "creative" "crushed" "curious" "cynical" "depressed" "determined" "devious" "dirty" "disappointed" "discontent" "distressed" "ditzy" "dorky" "drained" "drunk" "ecstatic" "embarrassed" "energetic" "enraged" "enthralled" "envious" "exanimate" "excited" "exhausted" "flirty" "frustrated" "full" "geeky" "giddy" "giggly" "gloomy" "good" "grateful" "groggy" "grumpy" "guilty" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "horny" "hot" "hungry" "hyper" "impressed" "indescribable" "indifferent" "infuriated" "intimidated" "irate" "irritated" "jealous" "jubilant" "lazy" "lethargic" "listless" "lonely" "loved" "melancholy" "mellow" "mischievous" "moody" "morose" "naughty" "nauseated" "nerdy" "nervous" "nostalgic" "numb" "okay" "optimistic" "peaceful" "pensive" "pessimistic" "pissed off" "pleased" "predatory" "productive" "quixotic" "recumbent" "refreshed" "rejected" "rejuvenated" "relaxed" "relieved" "restless" "rushed" "sad" "satisfied" "scared" "shocked" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "sore" "stressed" "surprised" "sympathetic" "thankful" "thirsty" "thoughtful" "tired" "touched" "uncomfortable" "weird" "working" "worried"))) (if (not mood) (setq mood "skip")) (if (equal mood "skip") (sleep-for 0) (insert (concat "post-mood: " (let* ((moodjunk (format "%S" mood)) (end (- (length moodjunk) 2))) (substring moodjunk 2 end))"\n")))) (defun dwmusic () (setq music (lastfm-user-get-recent-tracks :user lastfm-user :from 1 :to 1)) (setq music (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote "\" \"") " – " (format "%S" music) nil 'literal)) (sleep-for 1) (if (not music) (setq music "nil")) (if (equal music "nil") (sleep-for 0) (insert (concat "post-music: " (let* ((musicjunk (format "%S" music)) (end (- (length musicjunk) 4))) (substring musicjunk 4 end))"\n")))) (defun dwicon (thefile) (setq icon "skip") (load-file dw-iconfile) (with-current-buffer thefile (iconchoose)) (if (equal icon "skip") (sleep-for 0) (insert (concat "post-icon: "icon "\n")))) (defun dwlocation () (setq location (read-string "Location: " dw-defaultlocation)) (if (equal location "") (sleep-for 0) (insert (concat "post-location: " location "\n")))) (defun dwmusic-manual () (setq music (read-string "Music: ")) (if (equal music "") (sleep-for 0) (insert (concat "post-music: " music "\n")))) (defun dwpost (psubject tags) (interactive (list (read-string "Post title (REQUIRED): ") (read-string "Tags (comma-separated): "))) (dwexport) (compose-mail (concat dw-username "+" dw-pin "@post.dreamwidth.org") psubject) (with-current-buffer (concat "*unsent mail to " dw-username "*") (insert (concat "post-tags: org-export, " tags "\n")) (dwsecurity) (dwlocation) (dwicon newname) (cond (lastfm-login t (dwmusic)) ((dwmusic-manual))) (dwmood) (insert (concat "\n")) (insert-file-contents newname) (message-send-and-exit)) (kill-buffer newname) (kill-buffer (concat "*sent mail to " dw-username "*")) (with-current-buffer oldname (delete-file newname)))