You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
1.4 KiB

2 years ago
import datetime
title = "" # just the number is fine
2 years ago
showtitle = False
language = "en"
# translation =
datewords = [{"date":datetime.datetime(YYYY,M,D),"words":}]
# revealdate = datetime.datetime(YYYY,M,D)
2 years ago
# approxdate = ""
status = "complete" # incomplete, abandoned
rating = "" # g, t, m, e
# ratingreason = ""
fandom = [""]
# fandomtext = ""
# charpov = [""]
# charmain = [""]
# charsecondary = [""]
# charmention = [""]
# ship = [""]
genre = [""]
# warnings = ""
time = ""
location = [""]
# locationtext = ""
# summary = ""
# notes = ""
# event = "" # challenge (including fests; anything without a specific prompt), ao3exchange, exchange, prompt
2 years ago
# eventlocation = "" # dwcomm, dwjournal, ljjournal
# eventname = ""
# eventdeets = "" # probably not needed unless its robotsoup
# eventfrequency = "" # "annual" or some custom value like "summer 2022 round" or can leave
# prompt = ""
# recip = ""
# recippseud = ""
# recipsite = "" # ao3, dw, tumblr
locked = False
# ao3slug =
# ao3locked =
2 years ago
html = True
pdf = True
epub = True
# fedislug = ""
# comments = [{"site":"", # ao3, dw, lj, discord
# "registered":, # True or False, not required for discord
2 years ago
# "username":"", # leave out if its a dw/lj anon
# "pseud":"", # optional, ao3 only
# "date":datetime.datetime(),
# "link":"",
# "text":""}]