filewrite.write("<p><strong>Please note before proceeding:</strong></p>\n<p>Some of my fanfiction is NSFW (ranging from slightly obscene language to explicit sex scenes), some is RPF, and some of it contains mature or potentially objectionable themes (death, suicide, mental illness, incest …). Ratings and warnings are given accordingly, <strong>don’t like don’t read</strong>. If you consider yourself to be a minor, kindly gtfo and <em>read some real literature instead</em>. Honestly, it will be much more edifying.</p>\n<label for=\"verifyage-checkbox\">Please tick to confirm you have read this warning and are sufficiently mature to access this content:</label>\n<input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"verifyage-checkbox\">\n<button id=\"verifyage-button\">Let me in!</button>\n<div align=\"center\">\n<script src=\"\"></script>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n<script>\nvar verifyageButton = document.getElementById(\"verifyage-button\"); var verifyageCheckbox = document.getElementById(\"verifyage-checkbox\"); verifyageButton.addEventListener(\"click\", () => {if (verifyageCheckbox.checked) {localStorage.setItem(\"ageVerified\", \"✓\"); if (window.location =\"?returnto=\")) {window.location =\"?returnto=\".length);} else {window.location = \"")