import datetime , os , shutil
from importlib import import_module
import headerfooter
fffandoms = [ " FF1 " , " FF2 " , " FF3 " , " FF4 " , " FF5 " , " FF6 " , " FF7 " , " FF8 " , " FF9 " , " FFX " , " FF11 " , " FF12 " , " FF13 " , " FF14 " , " FF15 " , " FF16 " ]
Code to generate comment page
def commentpage ( ficno , directory , local = False ) :
# convert to three-digit number
if ficno < 10 :
ficnostring = " 00 " + str ( ficno )
elif ficno < 100 :
ficnostring = " 0 " + str ( ficno )
else :
ficnostring = str ( ficno )
# open the file
ficfile = directory + " . " + ficnostring
fileread = import_module ( ficfile )
# determine if comments page
try :
if any ( item in fffandoms for item in fileread . fandom ) :
fffandom = True
else :
fffandom = False
except :
origfile = " originalsmeta. " + str ( fileread . original )
origread = import_module ( origfile )
if any ( item in fffandoms for item in origread . fandom ) :
fffandom = True
else :
fffandom = False
if fffandom :
commentspage = True
else :
timeelapsed = datetime . datetime . now ( ) - ( fileread . datewords [ - 1 ] ) [ " date " ]
if timeelapsed . days < 730 :
commentspage = True
else :
try :
if fileread . event == " ao3exchange " and ( fileread . datewords [ 0 ] ) [ " date " ] . year > 2019 :
commentspage = True
else :
try :
if fileread . comments :
commentspage = True
except :
commentspage = False
except :
try :
if fileread . comments :
commentspage = True
except :
commentspage = False
if commentspage :
commentspath = " build/comments/ " + ficnostring
if not os . path . isdir ( commentspath ) :
os . mkdir ( commentspath )
if os . path . exists ( commentspath + " /index.html " ) :
os . remove ( commentspath + " /index.html " )
# write to output file
headerfooter . headerwrite ( commentspath + " /index.html " , " Comments for fic no. " + ficnostring , " Comments for fic no. <span id= \" ficno \" > " + ficnostring + " </span> " , " " , False , local )
filewrite = open ( commentspath + " /index.html " , " a " )
if fffandom or timeelapsed . days < 730 :
filewrite . write ( " <h2>Leave a comment</h2> \n <noscript> \n <p><b>JavaScript is unavailable.</b> Please <a href= \" \" >email me</a> any comments.</p> \n </noscript> \n <p class= \" jsonly \" >Comments will be posted manually; please expect a delay between submitting your comment and seeing it below!</p> \n <form id= \" theform \" onsubmit= \" sendContact(event) \" class= \" jsonly \" > \n <input type= \" text \" id= \" nameInput \" required placeholder= \" Pseudonym (required) \" > \n <input type= \" email \" id= \" emailInput \" placeholder= \" Email (if you want email notification of reply) \" > \n <input type= \" text \" id= \" siteInput \" placeholder= \" Site (if you want a link back) \" > \n <textarea id= \" messageInput \" rows= \" 5 \" required placeholder= \" Your comment (required, include whatever markup [or down] you like) \" ></textarea> \n <button type= \" submit \" >Submit</button> \n </form> \n " )
else :
try :
if fileread . event == " ao3exchange " and ( fileread . datewords [ 0 ] ) [ " date " ] . year > 2019 :
filewrite . write ( " <p>Comments aren’ t open for this fic. They’ re still available <a href= \" " + str ( fileread . ao3slug ) + " \" >on AO3</a>, however, as this was written for an AO3-based gift exchange.</p> \n " )
except :
try :
if fileread . comments :
filewrite . write ( " <h2>Archived comments</h2> \n <p>If you left one of these comments and would like it to be removed from the archive, please <a href= \" \" >email me</a>.</p> \n <p><small>My replies are included only if they were originally posted on this site.</small></p> \n " )
for comment in fileread . comments :
filewrite . write ( " <div class= \" comment \" > \n <h1> " )
if comment [ " site " ] == " dw " :
if comment [ " registered " ] :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><a href= \" https:// " + comment [ " username " ] . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) + " \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [personal profile] \" width= \" 17 \" height= \" 17 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /></a><a href= \" https:// " + comment [ " username " ] . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) + " \" ><b> " + comment [ " username " ] . replace ( " - " , " _ " ) + " </b></a></span> " )
else :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [personal profile] \" width= \" 17 \" height= \" 17 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /><b>anonymous</b></a></span> " )
elif comment [ " site " ] == " lj " :
if comment [ " registered " ] :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><a href= \" https:// " + comment [ " username " ] . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) + " \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [personal profile] \" width= \" 17 \" height= \" 17 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /></a><a href= \" https:// " + comment [ " username " ] . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) + " \" ><b> " + comment [ " username " ] . replace ( " - " , " _ " ) + " </b></a></span> " )
else :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [personal profile] \" width= \" 17 \" height= \" 17 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /><b>anonymous</b></a></span> " )
elif comment [ " site " ] == " ao3 " :
if comment [ " registered " ] :
try :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><a href= \" " + comment [ " username " ] + " /profile \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [ profile] \" width= \" 16 \" height= \" 16 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /></a><a href= \" " + comment [ " username " ] + " /pseuds/ " + comment [ " pseud " ] . replace ( " " , " % 20 " ) + " \" ><b> " + comment [ " pseud " ] + " ( " + comment [ " username " ] + " )</b></a></span> " )
except :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><a href= \" " + comment [ " username " ] + " /profile \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [ profile] \" width= \" 16 \" height= \" 16 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /></a><a href= \" " + comment [ " username " ] + " \" ><b> " + comment [ " username " ] + " </b></a></span> " )
else :
filewrite . write ( " <span style= \" white-space: nowrap; \" class= \" ljuser \" ><img src= \" \" alt= \" [ profile] \" width= \" 16 \" height= \" 16 \" style= \" vertical-align: text-bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 1px; \" /><b> " + comment [ " username " ] + " </b></span> " )
elif comment [ " site " ] == " praze " :
try :
filewrite . write ( " <a href= \" " + comment [ " url " ] + " \" > " + comment [ " username " ] + " </a> " )
except :
filewrite . write ( comment [ " username " ] )
try :
filewrite . write ( " on chapter " + str ( comment [ " chapter " ] ) )
except :
filewrite . write ( " , " + comment [ " date " ] . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d " ) )
try :
filewrite . write ( " [<a href= \" " + comment [ " link " ] + " \" >original</a>] " )
except :
filewrite . write ( " </h1> \n <p> " + comment [ " text " ] + " </p> \n </div> \n " )
try :
filewrite . write ( " <div class= \" comment reply \" > \n <h1>Reply</h1> \n <p> " + comment [ " reply " ] + " </p> \n </div> " )
except :
except :
if fffandom or timeelapsed . days < 730 :
filewrite . write ( " <script> \n async function sendContact(ev) { \n ev.preventDefault(); \n const theFic = document \n .getElementById( ' ficno ' ).innerHTML; \n const senderName = document \n .getElementById( ' nameInput ' ).value; \n const senderAddress = document \n .getElementById( ' emailInput ' ).value; \n const senderSite = document \n .getElementById( ' siteInput ' ).value; \n const senderMessage = document \n .getElementById( ' messageInput ' ).value; \n const webhookBody = { \n embeds: [ { \n title: ' New comment received ' , \n fields: [ \n { name: ' Fic ID ' , value: theFic }, \n { name: ' Pseudonym ' , value: senderName }, \n { name: ' Email ' , value: senderAddress }, \n { name: ' Site ' , value: senderSite }, \n { name: ' Comment ' , value: senderMessage } \n ] \n }], \n }; \n \n const webhookUrl = ' ' ; \n \n const response = await fetch(webhookUrl, { \n method: ' POST ' , \n headers: { \n ' Content-Type ' : ' application/json ' , \n }, \n body: JSON.stringify(webhookBody), \n }); \n \n if (response.ok) { \n alert( ' Comment submitted, thank you! ' ); \n } else { \n alert( ' This is fucked, sorry. ' ); \n } \n \n document.getElementById( \" theform \" ).reset(); \n } \n </script> \n " )
filewrite . close ( )
headerfooter . footerwrite ( commentspath + " /index.html " , False , local )
Generate all comment pages
def allcomments ( local = False ) :
for filename in os . listdir ( " build/comments " ) :
filepath = os . path . join ( " build/comments " , filename )
if os . path . isfile ( filepath ) :
os . unlink ( filepath )
elif os . path . isdir ( filepath ) :
shutil . rmtree ( filepath )
ficcount = 500
while ficcount > 0 :
ficcount - = 1
if ficcount < 10 :
ficcountstring = " 00 " + str ( ficcount )
elif ficcount < 100 :
ficcountstring = " 0 " + str ( ficcount )
else :
ficcountstring = str ( ficcount )
if os . path . exists ( " originalsmeta/ " + ficcountstring + " .py " ) :
commentpage ( ficcount , " originalsmeta " , local )
elif os . path . exists ( " translationsmeta/ " + ficcountstring + " .py " ) :
commentpage ( ficcount , " translationsmeta " , local )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
allcomments ( )
Generate comments index page
def commentindex ( local = False ) :
# delete existing file
if os . path . exists ( " build/comments/index.html " ) :
os . remove ( " build/comments/index.html " )
# write header
headerfooter . headerwrite ( " build/comments/index.html " , " Comments " , " Comments " , " " , False , local )
filewrite = open ( " build/comments/index.html " , " a " )
filewrite . write ( " <p>Comments I receive are archived on this site and linked back to the original. If you don’ t want your comments from other sources archived here, or if you require any changes to the presentation of your comments, <a href= \" \" >please email me</a>. Please note, however, that this website is not indexed by search engines and the only place I really “advertise” it is Dreamwidth.</p> \n <p>You can leave comments on the relevant comment pages for each fic. If you’ d like notification of any reply, please leave your email address. If you’ d like a link from your pseudonym to a website, you can supply this as well. I’ ll happily link to personal websites, Dreamwidth profiles, and (at least for now) AO3 profiles; I’ m unlikely to include links to for-profit social media websites, Carrd, or Patreon.</p> \n <p>Comments are turned off on any fic over two years old unless it’ s in a Final Fantasy fandom. On AO3, comments are turned off on <b>all</b> fics over two years old, unless they were written for AO3-hosted gift exchanges in 2020 or later.</p> \n " )
filewrite . close ( )
headerfooter . footerwrite ( " build/comments/index.html " , False , local )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
commentindex ( )