This is very much set up for my own use, but the code is public so others can see how this works and build similar things for themselves, if they like. generates files in the =build= directory and uploads them to the remote using =rclone=. To build locally for testing, run =python3 local=, which generates links that point straight to =index.html= instead of the containing directory.
This is for my personal use and definitely won’t work as is for other people, but feel free to dig around in the files. I am an amateur and I almost certainly don’t follow best practices in any respect.
@ -20,9 +22,11 @@ Requisites: =rclone= (just for uploading files to the server), Python 3.
- some but not all of my fics are on AO3; HTML, PDF and EPUB formats exist for most, but this can be adjusted for individual entries as needed
- whether commenting is enabled on a particular fic depends on a couple of factors
** Future plans [2/4]
** Future plans [2/6]
- [X]+redirect to a consent page using local storage (h/t [[][Fandom Coders]])+
- [ ] pages for times and locations in FF fandoms
- [X]+possibly a page for non-FF fandoms (as if I even care about these lol)+
- [ ] python-based browser for loading in fic metadata and grabbing stats (“what were my top ships in 2022” etc.)
- [ ] drabble wall
- [ ] link to singles pages from headers? on the number?