import datetime, os, shutil from importlib import import_module import headerfooter import makeheader """ Code to generate standalone fic pages """ def singlepage(ficno,directory,local=False): # convert to three-digit number if ficno < 10: ficnostring = "00" + str(ficno) elif ficno < 100: ficnostring = "0" + str(ficno) else: ficnostring = str(ficno) # open the file ficfile = directory + "." + ficnostring fileread = import_module(ficfile) # determine if unlocked try: if fileread.locked: singlestatus = False else: singlestatus = True except: singlestatus = True singlepath = "build/single/" + ficnostring if not os.path.isdir(singlepath): os.mkdir(singlepath) if os.path.exists(singlepath + "/index.html"): os.remove(singlepath + "/index.html") # write to output file output = singlepath + "/index.html" headerfooter.headerwrite(output,"Fic no. " + ficnostring,"Fic no. <span id=\"ficno\">" + ficnostring + "</span>","",False,local) try: if fileread.original: makeheader.ficgen(fileread.original,False,output,local) else: makeheader.ficgen(ficno,False,output,local) except: makeheader.ficgen(ficno,False,output,local) if singlestatus: filewrite = open(output, "a") filewrite.write("<iframe src=\"") if local: filewrite.write("/home/mdd/Documents/proj/fic-archive/build/files/" + ficnostring + ".html") else: filewrite.write("/fic/files/" + ficnostring + ".html") filewrite.write("\"></iframe>\n<div class=\"fic\">\n") filewrite.close() try: if fileread.original: makeheader.linkgen(fileread.original,output,local) else: makeheader.linkgen(ficno,output,local) except: makeheader.linkgen(ficno,output,local) filewrite = open(output, "a") filewrite.write("</div>\n") filewrite.close() headerfooter.footerwrite(output,False,local) """ Generate all single pages """ def allsingles(local=False): for filename in os.listdir("build/single"): filepath = os.path.join("build/single", filename) if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.unlink(filepath) elif os.path.isdir(filepath): shutil.rmtree(filepath) ficcount = 500 while ficcount > 0: ficcount -= 1 if ficcount < 10: ficcountstring = "00" + str(ficcount) elif ficcount < 100: ficcountstring = "0" + str(ficcount) else: ficcountstring = str(ficcount) if os.path.exists("originalsmeta/" + ficcountstring + ".py"): singlepage(ficcount,"originalsmeta",local) elif os.path.exists("translationsmeta/" + ficcountstring + ".py"): singlepage(ficcount,"translationsmeta",local) if __name__ == "__main__": allsingles()