* tcg
Python scripts to generate a mobile-friendly static site for tracking tcg cards (designed for [[https://colors-tcg.dreamwidth.org ][colors ]]).
** Instructions
*** Requirements
- =python3=
- server space
- subdomain pointing to your site root on the server
- =rclone= with your server set up as a remote
*** Setup
- Download and create the initial files by running:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
git clone https://git.praze.net/tre/tcg.git
cd tcg
cp log-template.py log.py
cp variables-template.py variables.py
- Edit =variables.py= to set the variables as follows:
- =servername= : name set for your remote in =rclone=
- =serverpath= : path to the site root on the server (with leading slash, without trailing slash)
- =name= : the name you use in the game
- =highpriority= : a list of high priority decks you’ re collecting
- =tradepost= : URL of your trade post on Dreamwidth
- =faves= : a list of cards to showcase on the index page
- =headerbackground= : an HTML colour to display behind your header image and set as a theme colour
- =british= : =True= if you want “grey” to display on the site, =False= if you want “gray”
- =collectthreshold= : minimum number of owned cards for putting a deck in the “collecting” category
- =mediumthreshold= : minimum number of owned cards for marking a deck as medium priority
- =highthreshold= : minimum number of owned cards for marking a deck as high priority
- =keepsig= : =True= if you always want to keep one copy of your signature, =False= if you want to make them all available for trading
- =tradestatement= : statement to place on your trading page
- =maxmastered= : maximum number of most recently mastered decks to show on the index page
- =ownedpage= : =True= if you want a page displaying your entire collection, =False= otherwise
- =firstmasteries= : a list of decks you mastered first
- =misclink= : under ="link"= , a link to any page you choose, and under ~"text"~ , text to display as the link
- =donations= : lists of donated decks and individual scrapbook cards
- =masscollect= : list (python dict) of series/themes being mass collected, each containing a dict which specifies =“full”= as either =True= or =False= (to show or hide a list of the total number of cards in the set) and contains at least one of ="decks"= specifying a list of decks, or ="singles"= specifying a list of individual cards
- Run the following:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
python3 setup.py
chmod +x build.sh
- Save a header image to =build/assets/header.png=
- Save each stage of a filled sketchpad to =build/assets/sketch/= , as =00.gif= , =01.gif= , etc.
- Save coupons to =build/assets/coupons/= , with filenames that match the codes you’ ve given them in =log.py= .
- Add level images manually to =build/assets/levels/=
- Add custom CSS to =build/user.css=
*** Updating and building
- For each transaction, add a dictionary ={}= to the =log= list like in the example (removing any of ="received"= , ="lost"= , ="crayons"= , ="decks"= , ="coupons">= that aren’ t relevant).
- Run =./build.sh= in this directory to download the relevant card images and then upload everything to the server.