@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ Python scripts to generate a mobile-friendly static site for tracking tcg cards
- =headerbackground=: an HTML colour to display behind your header image and set as a theme colour
- =headerbackground=: an HTML colour to display behind your header image and set as a theme colour
- =british=: =True= if you want “grey” to display on the site, =False= if you want “gray”
- =british=: =True= if you want “grey” to display on the site, =False= if you want “gray”
- =collectthreshold=: minimum number of owned cards for putting a deck in the “collecting” category
- =collectthreshold=: minimum number of owned cards for putting a deck in the “collecting” category
- =mediumthreshold=: minimum number of owned cards for marking a deck as medium priority
- =highthreshold=: minimum number of owned cards for marking a deck as high priority
- =keepsig=: =True= if you always want to keep one copy of your signature, =False= if you want to make them all available for trading
- =keepsig=: =True= if you always want to keep one copy of your signature, =False= if you want to make them all available for trading
- =tradestatement=: statement to place on your trading page
- =tradestatement=: statement to place on your trading page
- =maxmastered=: maximum number of most recently mastered decks to show on the index page
- =maxmastered=: maximum number of most recently mastered decks to show on the index page