import os,requests import tcgcore def getimg(): for card in tcgcore.ownedcards(): if card[0:4] == "sig_": if not os.path.exists("build/decks/sigs/" + card[4:] + ".gif"): r = requests.get("" + card + ".gif") open("build/decks/sigs/" + card[4:] + ".gif","wb").write(r.content) else: thepath = "build/decks/" + card[:-2] if not os.path.isdir(thepath): os.mkdir(thepath) index = 0 # adapted from indexValidList = [] print("Deck type for " + card[:-2] + ":") options = tcgcore.typelist for optionName in options: index = index + 1 indexValidList.extend([options.index(optionName)]) print(str(index) + ") " + optionName) inputValid = False while not inputValid: inputRaw = input("Type: ") inputNo = int(inputRaw) - 1 if inputNo > -1 and inputNo < len(indexValidList): selected = indexValidList[inputNo] inputValid = True break else: print("Select a number from the list") decktype = options[selected] typefile = open(thepath + "/type","w") typefile.write(decktype) typefile.close() print("Downloading " + card[:-2]) number = 0 while number < 21: if number < 10: r = requests.get("" + card[:-2] + "0" + str(number) + ".gif") open(thepath + "/0" + str(number) + ".gif","wb").write(r.content) else: r = requests.get("" + card[:-2] + str(number) + ".gif") open(thepath + "/" + str(number) + ".gif","wb").write(r.content) number += 1 master = requests.get("" + card[:-2] + "master.gif") open(thepath + "/master.gif","wb").write(master.content) if __name__ == "__main__": getimg()