#+TITLE : Trackers
* Dependencies
- =python3=
- =orgparse= (install via pip)
- =rclone= (for syncing to the server)
* Tracking games with a backloggery clone
** Setup
*** Setting the variables
Rename =variables-template.py= to =variables.py= and edit:
- =endlessgames= : a list of “endless” games in the format =title (console)=
- =orgpath= : absolute path to the root directory in which =.org= files are stored, including trailing slash
- =localpath= : absolute path to this directory, including trailing slash
- =serverpath= : path to directory on the server where files will be uploaded, including trailing slash
- =domain= : =https://yourdomain.tld= without trailing slash
- =rclonesiteroot= : path =rclone= uses to access your webserver
- =description= : content for the “about” section (can include HTML tags)
- =startyear= : year from which to begin tracking (an integer)
- =hue= : theme colour expressed as a hue from 0 to 360
- =consoles= : add or remove consoles following the format provided (=.png= images must be added to the build directory with a filename corresponding with the value of ="img"= for each console)
*** The rest
- Run =python3 init.py= and then =chmod +x build.sh= .
- Create the directory on the server.
** Generating the files
- Run =python3 generate.py local= to build in the local =build= directory.
- Run =./build.sh= to build and upload to the server.